6.4 The Korean War Live Lesson
Agenda The Cold War "Heats" Up Origins of the Korean War Great Debate between President Truman and General MacArthur End of the Korean War Korea Today
Objective: Understand the causes, course, and consequences of the Korean War
The world after world war 2
Cold War "Heats" up Cold War was initially a war of ideas and beliefs between Democratic and Communist countries However, both sides started to display their military strength In August 1949 Soviet Union successfully tested an atomic bomb October 1949- Communists take over China
Origins of Korean War During WW2, Japan used Koreans as slave labor Soviets helped Koreans defeat Japan. Like Europe, Korea was divided between US and Soviet Union.
Before Korean War
Why was Korea important? Domino Theory- the theory that events that happened in one country will make them more likely to occur in neighboring countries
War begins US began to withdraw troops in South Korea, and the Soviets saw this as a sign that the US would not defend S. Korea June 25, 1950: North Korean forces invade South Korea
Korea After North Korean invasion
Important events US enters the war with 600,000 soldiers and at the helm is General Douglas MacArthur, a WW2 veteran September 1950- MacArthur launches an attack behind North Korean military line
Korea after MacArthur invasion
The great debate October 1950- MacArthur and Truman meet to discuss the next actions to take MacArthur wanted to continue and invade China Truman did not think that was a good idea November 1950- 300,000 Chinese troops moved in to assist North Korea
MacArthur fired on April 1951
Consequences- How did the war end? Fighting lasted until 1953 Both sides agreed to a cease-fire. Also created a demilitarized zone (DMZ) War ends in July 1953 No peace treaty was ever signed (technically still warring countries)
"The Most Dangerous Place on Earth"
North Korea today One of the poorest countries in the world Totalitarian Dictatorship North Korea today
Objective: Understand the causes, course, and consequences of the Korean War
Thank you for attending! Any questions? EOC Review- 2/25 over Module 3 at 12p and 6p on Blackboard EOC Reviews on 3/10 and 3/17 Next live lesson: March 9 over 6.7***