War in Korea The earliest Cold War conflicts were in Central and Eastern Europe, where countries were divided by the Iron Curtain. But the Truman Doctrine committed the united states to containing communism on a wider scale. The Communist takeover of China in 1949 soon focused Cold War fears on Asia.
Background- Korean War Communists took control of China under Mao Zedong The nationalists, backed by the United States, fled to Taiwan China was now ‘red’ Americans saw this as a disastrous failure of U.S. foreign policy Feared that all of Asia might soon fall to communism
How do you think this data affected our foreign policy and decisions by our leaders?
Fears were heightened by a crisis in Korea Fears were heightened by a crisis in Korea. Japan had controlled Korea from 1910 to the end of WWII. After the war, the Allies divided Korea at the 38th parallel. The Soviet Union controlled the northern part of Korea, and the U.S. controlled the south. Both sides set up governments, neither of which recognized the other as legitimate. Crisis in Korea
North Korea’s Soviet trained and equipped army stormed across the 38th parallel and invaded South Korea. The United Nations called for a cease-fire. But the North Koreans continued their attack. Fighting in Korea June 25, 1950
What do you think? President Truman had to make a decision: Should the United States use force to try to stop the North Korean invasion? What do you think? Write down your thoughts and then discuss with a partner.
Truman ordered the military to support the South Korean government Truman ordered the military to support the South Korean government. That same day, the United Nations (intergovernmen tal organization to promote international cooperation) decided to help South Korea. American general Douglas MacArthur was put in command of the UN forces. The War Begins
Fighting in Korea* video clip
Controversy with General MacArthur China sent hundreds of thousands of soldiers across the border to join the North Koreans. MacArthur suggested air strikes on Chinese cities and an attack on mainland China. Truman refused permission. He was determined to contain the war in Korea. When MacArthur publicly criticized the President’s strategy, Truman fired the general because he “wouldn’t respect the authority of the President.” This was a very unpopular decision with the American public. Controversy with General MacArthur
The War Ends and Eisenhower is elected President American frustration with the war dominated the Presidential election. Dwight D. Eisenhower promised to end the unpopular conflict, which helped him win reelection. After three years of fighting, North and South Korea were again divided near the 38th parallel. More than 130,000 Americans had been killed or wounded. Korean and Chinese causalities topped 2 million. The War Ends and Eisenhower is elected President
Korea is still divided at the 38th parallel Korea is still divided at the 38th parallel. There is a DMZ (demilitarized) zone separating North and South Korea. North Korea dictators over the past two decades have been responsible for the deaths of 2 million North Koreans due to famine (extreme scarcity of food). They spend most of their budget on military and the pursuit of nuclear weapons and missile technology. Modern Korea * video