World War II – The Most Revolutionary Moment in American (and World) History
I. Transforming the American Military: From Isolation to World Power A. Pearl Harbor Provokes the United States
B. Dominance in Europe: D-Day
C. Dominance in Asia: Island Hopping & the Atomic Bomb
D. The End of WWII: America Unscathed (Unhurt)
II. Two More Difficult Decisions During the War
A. The United States Responds Slowly to the Holocaust
To Bomb or Not to Bomb?
Saying No to the St Louis Ship
B. The US Places Japanese-Americans into Internment Camps
III. The Revolutionary Social Effects of WWII
A. African-Americans & the Origins of the Civil Rights Movement Discrimination in The Armed Forces & in Factories
The Double V Campaign: Victory Against Dictators and Racism
A. Philip Randolph Protests for Equal Employment
B. A Small Step Toward Female Equality – Rosie the Riveter and the War
C. A Growing Latino Presence: The Bracero Program and Guest Workers