The regeneration of the Meadway – a case study.


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Presentation transcript:

The regeneration of the Meadway – a case study. Clive Skidmore, Head of Housing Development, Birmingham City Council

MEADWAY - BIRMINGHAM Developed in the 1960s - Five tower blocks Inward facing shopping centre Poor visibility from the main road Dropped on the edge of a large (28 acres) of Public Open Space Physical design Issues – no integration with the Public Open Space; Too many flats in one place; No diversification of tenure; Declining footfall in the shopping centre due to changes in retail environment, competition, poor design.

CONSULTATION Before starting the consultation agreed a strategy with local members Independent firm to carry out consultation on options/final report listing findings – over 3 weeks Questionnaire, post, door to door, exhibitions Exhibitions on site, with opportunity to talk to a range of Council Officers such as: Housing Officers, Birmingham Property Services, Regeneration Managers and Landscape Practice Group 3D video of what the area could look like Door knocking wider than just the immediate area, BCC Website, Focus Group Provide as much information as possible including timescales – where activities will take time – be upfront and confirm it will take 5/6 years Local people informed about Compulsory Purchase Process No objections to loss of POS, strong support for better play provision

28 acres of under used, poor quality, Public Open Space

RECOMMENDED SOLUTIONS Clear need for comprehensive redevelopment Issues – Site assembly and acquisitions; Financial viability; Development on public open space; Political and resident objections. Opportunities – Strong demand for new homes in the local area; Land availability; House building expertise within the Council; Political support for a comprehensive scheme.

Consultation Results Production of independent report showing results of consultation 64% response rate to survey 95% in favour of options requiring development of POS 5% did not choose an option Taking preferred option forward – in phases Rehousing/demolition existing centre 136 new houses in first phase, 30,000 sq ft new retail, significant improvements to public open space

Delivery Contract for Phase 1 house building won by Kier Living Ltd , who are starting on site at the end of June 2017; Partner has been selected for the retail development, legal contracts being drawn up before planning permission and start on site. Layout of Public Open has gained planning approval and implementation will start in 2018 by Landscape Practice Group; Kier will use Council’s specification and standard house types to ensure high design quality. Phase 2, acquisitions and Compulsory Purchase Order continuing Master planning has been brought forward with funding from the Estate Regeneration Fund.