The Final Countdown Modern Technology Increase of TRAVEL Increase of INFORMATION Increase of UNREST.


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Presentation transcript:

The Final Countdown

Modern Technology Increase of TRAVEL Increase of INFORMATION Increase of UNREST

2nd Prophecy Increase Bible Fulfillment

1st Passage Death of Two Witnesses

Open your Bibles to: Revelation 11:1-9

Global News Network UN Watchdog Cliff Kincaid reported, “Surprise and even shock were among the reactions to my recent column about how elite members of the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland…

Global News Network were considering a proposal for a new global television network to usher in a state of “global governance.”…

Global News Network He said the media proposal is to create “a new global network” with “the capacity to connect the world, bridging cultures and peoples, and telling us who we are and what we mean to each other.”…

Global News Network He says, “Isn’t it nice that we might have a TV network telling us “who we are?” And “what we mean to each other?” Perhaps we will learn that we are global citizens…

Global News Network An perhaps a global leader of some sort will tell us that. Who might that be? Kincaid said this smacks of George Orwell’s 1984…

Global News Network Several prominent U.S. media figures signed on to the alarming and controversial proposal that envisions itself to become “a genuine, global voice.”…

Global News Network They declared “We’re championing a new global, independent news and information service whose role is to inform, educate and improve the state of the world – one that would take advantage of all platforms…

Global News Network of content delivery from mobile to satellite and online to create a new global network.” Kincaid said although he’s no Biblical scholar, he wonders about the end-times implications of such a channel….

Global News Network Clearly they’re talking about this global order, new world order, global taxes and now global TV put at the service of some kind of global ruler of the world…

Global News Network “I don’t know whether that would be the anti-Christ or not.” But that’s right! Just in case you miss the up and coming Global News Broadcast of the death of the Two Witnesses…

Global News Network It just so happens Google just came out with their brand new birds eye view of the streets of Jerusalem map program that can be accessed anywhere online. Check it out!

Revelation 11:10 “The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth.”

2nd Passage Deception of False Prophet

Revelation 13:11-13 “Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth Revelation 13:11-13 “Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon

He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed…

And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men.”

2 Thessalonians 2:9 “The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders.”

How Occult Sees Last Days The occult believes that once all the world’s religions come together, (and they’re expecting it soon) a religious leader will be chosen to be earth’s religious spokesman…

How Occult Sees Last Days and this spokesperson will then encourage all the people of the world to accept a new world leader, who will suddenly appear on the scene…

How Occult Sees Last Days And interestingly enough, the occult is in agreement that none of this can fully take place until the people who will never go along with this One World Religion are out of the way…

How Occult Sees Last Days Can anyone guess who that might be? In fact, they say that these people who are restraining or holding things up won’t necessarily die…

How Occult Sees Last Days but will somehow mysteriously disappear, or in their words, “Elect to leave this dimension as if going to another room.”…

How Occult Sees Last Days And they believe once these people leave this earth, the occult says the new world leader will take his rightful place over the world…

How Occult Sees Last Days And then, and only then, will it be possible to build a combination Temple-Church-Mosque in Jerusalem..

Which will then finally break the Middle East log jam… How Occult Sees Last Days Which will then finally break the Middle East log jam…

How Occult Sees Last Days Which just so happens to sound like what the antichrist is going to do with Israel by signing a peace treaty that starts the actual 7-year Tribulation…

How Occult Sees Last Days But they also believe that just minutes before the antichrist arises, some supernatural sound will be heard and spiritually felt by everybody on the planet simultaneously.

How Occult Sees Last Days At no other moment in world history will so many people be impacted at once. This action is designed to get everyone looking around as to what caused this sound…

How Occult Sees Last Days In fact, it just happens there’s a recent flood of reports all over the world of people are saying how they’re hearing all kinds of strange sounds from the sky. Could this be the False Prophet’s practice run?…

How Occult Sees Last Days Then with everyone’s attention aroused, images of antichrist will appear simul-taneously over the entire earth speaking to mankind, each in his own language. The “sign and wonders” will have begun…

How Occult Sees Last Days Here the antichrist will appear as a man to a man and a woman to a woman. He will appear as a white to a white, as a black to a black, as an Indian to an Indian, etc…

How Occult Sees Last Days It makes no difference whether you are viewing him in person or on Television. Thus, “He will show that he is all things to all people”…

How Occult Sees Last Days But hey, we don’t have the technology to create a massive vision in the sky to dupe people do we?…

How Occult Sees Last Days Uh, yeah. In fact, it just so happens some pretty massive ones have recently appeared in China. Could this be another practice run of the False Prophet? Check it out for yourself!

3rd Passage Death & Demands of the Antichrist

Revelation 13:14-15 “Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth…

He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived…

He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.”

Luke 21:28 “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”