CH 17 Sect 3 War in the Pacific
I. Early fighting against Japan First 6 months after Pearl Harbor, Japan conquered huge areas of Asia and many Pacific islands easily. Worst defeat in US History occurred in Philippines (1942) under General Douglas MacArthur 78,000 US troops forced to surrender. 2/3 died from starvation (Bataan Death March) MacArthur pledged “I Shall Return”
II. Tide begins to turn Spring of ’42, US bombed Tokyo (Pearl Harbor style). Not much of a military defeat, but moral victory. US stopped Japanese movement into Australia at the Battle of Coral Sea By code breaking, US discovered Japan was heading towards Midway Led by Admiral Chester Nimitz, 1st Japanese defeat was Battle of Midway.
III. Allies go on the Offensive American forces led by General MacArthur began “island-hopping”. US stormed Guadalcanal with 19,000 troops. Fighting went on for 6 months before Japan retreated 1944 – 178,000 Allied troops landed in Philippines & achieved victory.
III. Allied offensive cont. Japanese, being desperate, began kamikaze raids – suicide missions. After freeing prisoners in Philippines, next target was Iwo Jima (close to Japan) More than 6,000 US Marines died taking this island. Only 200 Japanese survived. Last battle occurred at Okinawa (last Japanese outpost). US won after losing 7,600 men. Japan lost 110,000 men.
IV. Atomic Bomb Ends the War Manhattan Project – Secret development of atomic bomb (Most secret project in US History) US warned Japan in July August 6, 1945 – 1st atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima Japan (no surrender) August 9, 1945 – 2nd A-Bomb dropped on Nagasaki Japan (200,000 total deaths) Japan surrendered August 15, V-J Day (officially Sept. 2)
V. Nuremburg Trials 24 Nazi leaders were put on trial for crimes against humanity – Nuremburg Trials. 1st time in history that leaders were held accountable for war acts. 12 of the 24 sentenced to death, others sent to prison. Later trials convicted 200 Nazis. Most claimed “I was only following orders” Individual responsibility was now part of international law.
VI. Occupation of Japan US forces, led by General MacArthur, occupied Japan for 7 years after war. 1,100 Japanese were put on trial. 7, including Tojo, were sentenced to death. US introduced free-market economy & transformed Japanese govt to include: Women’s suffrage, basic freedoms & free elections. Constitution still known as the “MacArthur Constitution”