Plano Middle School Native Plant Sale - 2018 Sponsored by Plano Middle School Student Leadership 804 S. Hale Street Plano,IL 60545 Contacts: Angie Carreno, Plano Middle School 630-552-3608 Amy Hamilton, Grounds/Maintenance 630-392-4394 Pre-order/Pre-pay by Tuesday May 1, 2018 May pick up: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 2:40-6:00 p.m. June pick up: Wednesday, June 13, 2018 3:30-6:00 p.m. District Maintenance Building 800 S. Hale Street behind District 88 Administration building Pricing: Woodland Shade $4.00/plant Prairie Forbs/Grasses $2.00/plant Size: 2 ¼” plug. Easy to plant with a good root system Plant type: Perennial - returns each year without replanting
6 species -$4.00/plant plug May 16th pick-up date Woodland Shade Plants 6 species -$4.00/plant plug May 16th pick-up date
Bottle Gentian 1-2’ tall Best grown in partial shade, moist soils Pollinated almost exclusively by bumblebees. Vibrant blue flowers in Aug/Sept.
Calico Beardstongue 1-3’ tall Will take shade, partial shade or sun Medium to dry soils Larval host for the Baltimore Checkerspot butterfly
Jacob’s Ladder 12-18” tall Blooms in May. Woodland groundcover
Solomon’s Seal 3-5” tall Arching stems with dangling white bells Blooms May-June Nice fall foliage color with dark berries
Virginia Bluebell 1-3’ tall Blooms in late April and dies back by mid summer. Forms large colonies where moisture is adequate
Wild Stonecrop 3-6” spreading groundcover. Only sedum native to northern Illinois Woodland succulent Blooms April-June prefers partial sun and drier conditions
Prairie Plants - Full Sun 12 species - $2.00/plant plug May 16th pick-up date
Anise Hyssop 2-4’ tall medium to dry Soils. Blooms June-September Spreads fairly quickly
Aromatic Aster 1-3’ tall Bushy, stiff, compact Great for mass planting Handles poor soils, and drought
Butterfly Weed 2-3' tall medium to dry soil, full sun Important to Monarch butterflies Named 2017 Perennial Plant of the Year
Culver’s Root Up to 5’ tall Blooming period occurs early to mid-summer, and lasts about a month
Plantain-leaved Pussytoes Maximum height is 6 inches Silvery Groundcover for dry sites. Full sun to light shade Small clusters of white flowers appear in April Host species for Painted Lady butterfly caterpillars.
Purple Coneflower 3’ tall This native species Adds more genetic diversity than the many cultivars found at garden centers
Prairie Alumroot 2’ tall sun to part shade Interesting for its textural foliage Native coralbells
Northern Blazing Star 2-5’ tall, sun wet-medium soils Beloved by Monarchs, Painted Ladies, Swallowtails
Showy Black-Eyed Susan 3' tall moist-medium Soil Bushy appearance is stunning when planted in mass Long bloom time July- September
Slender Mountain Mint 1-3’ tall Branching frequently forming bushy, yet airy effect Early to mid-summer bloom Spreads forming colonies
Swamp Milkweed 2-6' tall needs very moist, rich soil Members of the family of plants are critical to Monarch butterfly survival
Prairie Grasses/Sedge 2 species - $2.00/plant plug May 16th pick up date
Purple Love Grass 2’ tall Greatest visual impact when used in mass plantings. Well drained soil Green until late summer when purple seed heads flower.
Common Oak Sedge 8” tall, clumping Nice alternative to turf grass under trees. Spreads slowly. You’ll want to space closely to form a more continuous look
Prairie Forbs and Grasses for June 13th pick-up date 4 species $2.00/plant
Golden Alexanders 3’ tall Attracts Black Swallowtail butterflies Yellow Umbel blooms in May-June.
Little Bluestem 2-3' tall takes on beautiful red color in fall-winter tufted at base stays upright throughout winter
Prairie Dropseed 1-2'high fountain-like appearance narrow-fine leaves softer texture
Wild Bergamot 4’ tall spreads easily Important nectar source for all kinds of bees. Also, Hummingbirds and Hummingbird moths.
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