Early People Key Content Terms
Archaeologist Definition- an expert who studies the past by examining objects left by early people
Geographer Definition: an expert who studies the earth, it’s land, features and inhabitants
Prehistoric Definition: before written history
Artifact Definition: an object made or used by people in the past
Ritual Definition: relating to a ceremony, such as a religious ceremony
Anthropologist Definition- a scientist who studies human development and culture
Hominid Definition- a prehistoric human
Capability Definition- power or skill
Migrate Definition- to move from one geographic region to another
Domesticate To train a wild animal to be useful to humans
agriculture The business of farming
Nomad A person who moves from place to place with no permanent home.
Trade The business of buying and selling or exchanging items
resource Something that can be used to fulfill a need
Paleolithic Age Definition: the first period of the Stone Age, called the Old Stone Age, from about 2 million years ago to about 10,000 years ago
Neolithic Age Definition: the later part of the Stone Age, called the New Stone Age, from about 5,000 to 10,000 years ago.
Artisan Definition: a craftsperson, who makes things with their hands.
Civilization Definition: a culture with arts, sciences, government and social classes
Irrigation Definition: a way to supply land with water from another location
Social Class Definition: a group of society different from other groups because of wealth, property and rights.
Surplus Definition: what is left over after needs are met