Historical Context Socratic Seminar The Civil War Historical Context Socratic Seminar
The Declaration of Independence was written to break away from which powerful nation?
Review the following quote taken from the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” Why is this quote contradictory? Who was left out? Does the quote hold true today?
What did King George promise slaves in order to gain support for the British?
Identify ways slave owners oppressed their slaves?
How does the fact that Thomas Jefferson penned the words “All men are created equal,” further illustrate the contradictory message?
Describe how the Southern economy benefited from Slavery?
Identify the movement to end slavery that began to grow in the 1840’s?
Why was the Presidential election of 1860 so important?
Why would the election of a radical candidate like Abraham Lincoln threaten the long standing contradiction of American ideals?
What was Abraham Lincoln’s initial plan to limit slavery in the United States?
What motivated individual states to push for “popular sovereignty” What motivated individual states to push for “popular sovereignty”? What were they afraid would repeat itself?
What motivated South Carolina to secede after the election of 1860?
Identify the two sides who fought in the Civil War?
Identify the two famous generals who led the Confederacy
Under General Ulysses S Under General Ulysses S. Grant, the North was able to effectively deploy their major advantages against the South. Identify these sources of might the North utilized to crush the South.
Explain how our country changed its shape and direction after the North defeated the South in the Civil War?
Did the Civil War really end in 1865?
Identify the war the saw more American casualties then all other wars combined?
What do you think William Faulkner meant when he said; “The past isn’t dead; it isn’t even the past”?