Adams High School Grade Level Meetings 2013-2014
GENERAL EXPECTATIONS … Two key terms are RESPECT and RESPONSIBILITY when it comes to student behavior in general. Treating others with respect is essential - both with fellow classmates and staff members. Taking responsibility for your decisions and your actions is part of being an adult.
ATTENDANCE Absences: Grades lowered automatically at 13 total absences in a class (Excused or Unexcused) Tardies 2 Tardies = 1 Unexcused Absence Unexcused Absences from tardies will be included in the 13 total absences. Parents can not excuse tardies
ATTENDANCE Parents have 24 hours to call the attendance line to excuse an absence No calls accepted after the fact If you are leaving… pick up pass in the Attendance Office. Must sign in and out Do not use personal cell phone to contact parents when you are sick… come to Attendance Office.
CODE OF CONDUCT Theft Harassment/Bullying Twitter/Facebook/IM/Texting Protect yourself from theft: Do not share your locker combination, do not bring valuables to school. DO NOT leave valuables out in the locker rooms. Harassment/Bullying Twitter/Facebook/IM/Texting
CODE OF CONDUCT Zero Tolerance Policy There are violations of the Code which can result in a long term suspension or expulsion from school and may result in police involvement. Possession of a dangerous weapon, arson, criminal sexual conduct, physical assault of a district employee.
CODE OF CONDUCT Everyone should have received a Code of Conduct and signed for it. You start each school year with a “fresh” slate. Once you are on a step you remain there 45 days. If there are no other incidents, you will be taken down a step.
CODE OF CONDUCT FACTS Any staff member in this building can redirect a student’s behavior. All staff members must be treated with respect. Avoid compounding a violation.
CODE OF CONDUCT Closed Campus You may not leave the building to go to the parking lot during the school day without permission from the office. If you leave campus during the school day you must sign out. Seniors cannot transport underclassmen during lunch. This will result in loss of privilege to go out to lunch.
CODE OF CONDUCT Acceptable Use of Technology Policy Cell Phones No warnings given in the classroom Teacher takes cell phone away Administrator holds the phone until parent picks it up BEFORE OR AFTER SCHOOL ONLY 3rd time = Step 3 (one day suspension) Use of cell phones during a crisis
SUSPENSION FACTS When you are suspended you are expected to make up any work that you miss. You must turn in assignments upon your return. While on suspension you may not be on school district property. You may not participate in school activities.
DRIVING/PARKING 11th and 12th grade only (Limited 10th grade passes based on availability beginning 2nd quarter.) Be careful when driving in lot Road patrol officers and fire department will ticket cars parked illegally in lot. Must have a parking pass to drive to school!
LUNCH Be responsible for your own trash Stay in cafeteria with your food Must stay in cafeteria until doors are opened (Five minutes before end of lunch) 1st Lunch – 11:07 2nd Lunch – 11:40 3rd Lunch – 12:13 Watch tardies… especially if you have 2nd lunch.
LOITERING All students are expected to be off campus by 3PM daily, unless participating in a school activity supervised by staff. Gates are closed at 3:00PM. Will not have access to lockers
DRESS CODE Violations – now in the Code of Conduct Listed as Offensive Speech/Displays May result in placement on the Step System At the discretion of staff/administration
OTHER STUFF … Remember to have your ID with you at all times Homecoming Sept. 27th & Sept. 28th Assembly Behavior Bus Behavior Remember, there are cameras on the busses!