Non-gaussianity of the curvature perturbation from preheating - We propose “Modulated Preheating” mechanism - Kazunori Kohri (郡 和範) Physics Department, Lancaster University Based on Kohri, Lyth, Vlenzuela-Toledo, arXiv:0904.0793 [hep-ph]
Abstract We consider ½ m2φ2 preheating models In expanding universe, narrow resonance does not work. Then massless χ quanta are not so sufficiently produced. In “Modulated Preheating” in broad resonance, a light field σ contributes to curvature perturbation and produces sizable amount of fNL
Reduction of ρφ and resonant production ofρχ Model of preheating Motivated by particle physics (Chaotic Inflation, A-term Inflation, Inflection point Inflation.), we may adopt ½ m2φ2 for inflaton potential See Andrei Frolov’s talk in massless preheating models. Reduction of ρφ and resonant production ofρχ See Bond, Frolov, Huang, Kofman, arXiv:0903.3407
How large/small is g2? For no radiative corrections to the potential Massless fluctuation of χ during inflation But see Barnaby, Huang, Kofman, Pogosyan, arXiv:0902.0615
Narrow parametric resonance does occur in expanding universe? Narrow resonance Conditions for efficient resonance Big difference from Enqvist, Jokinen, Mazumdar, Vaihkonen (05)
We may need another mechanism Large fluctuation …
Modulated Reheating If decay rate Γ=1/tdec depends on another field σ Dvali, Gruzinov, Zaldarriaga(04) Kofman (04) Zaldarriaga (04) If decay rate Γ=1/tdec depends on another field σ
Calculation in modulated reheating
Modulated Preheating Coupling constant g can depend on another field See Podolsky, Felder,Kofman, Peloso (05) Coupling constant g can depend on another field Then perturbation produced by σ is important Ackerman et al (05) Broad resonance
Mathew Equation Mode expansion Equation of Motion
Instability band Kofman,Linde,Starobinsky(97)
Evolution Kofman,Linde,Starobinsky(97)
End of preheating Kofman,Linde,Starobinsky(97)
Is χ nonrelativistic or relativistic? χ’ Momentum at the resonance Mass of χ After Relativistic particle for
Preheating Kofman,Linde,Starobinsky(97) Npreheat Nend
Analytical estimate of 1st stage During preheating φand χare massive
Analytical estimate of 2nd stage After preheating φ is massive, χ is almost massless
Spectrum and non-linear parameter
Conclusion In expanding universe, narrow resonance (g2<10-10) does not work, and production of massless χ quanta is insufficient, and then Pζχ and fNL are very small In “Modulated Preheating” in broad resonance, massless σ quanta contribute to curvature perturbation and fNL Our resuts should be checked by numerical simulation (by using Andrei’s DEFROST or something)