EVGENY GRIGORIEV Primary care physician. Qualified homeopath and MORA-therapist. Over 30 years of professional experience. Specialization — Theoretical foundations and practical skills of using the diagnostic therapeutic method of R. Voll. Functional diagnostics. Phytotherapy. For the time of his work, he held different positions from the emergency (ambulance) doctor up to General director and Chief physician at the child neurology center, as well as the Head of Innovative medical technologies department of the group of companies. At present, he is a Chief physician of his own medical center – «Sinergia» LLC @doctor.grigoriev
Epigenetics Epigenetics is the study of epigenetic heritable patterns – changes of gene expression or cell phenotypes caused by mechanisms that do not alter the DNA sequence. Epigenetics describes any internal factors that affect the morphogenesis, except the DNA sequence itself. @doctor.grigoriev
Stargardt disease Stargardt disease was described in 1913 as an inherited juvenile macular degeneration, which generally begins to show up in children and young adults within the age of 7-20 years. @doctor.grigoriev
Stargardt disease Changes of the eye fundus are characterized by the appearance of pigmented round dot-like flecks, depigmentation areas and retinal pigment epithelium atrophy. It is most commonly caused by mutations in the АВСR gene localized on 13q, 6q14 chromosomes, as well as inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. @doctor.grigoriev
Stargardt disease Mutations cause the production of a dysfunctional protein, which can not perform energy transfer for the photoreceptor cells of the retina. This leads to an accumulation of toxic metabolites structurally similar to lipofuscin, thus photoreceptor cells are degenerated resulting in progressive loss of vision. @doctor.grigoriev
Anamnesis Patient born in 2004. In 2010 was diagnosed with the Stargardt disease in a progressive form. Asked for medical attention in January 2017 The case is considered as unilateral without a clear homeopathic status. Except for impaired visual acuity, there are no any expressed symptoms both clinical and homeopathic. @doctor.grigoriev
Anamnesis @doctor.grigoriev
Anamnesis Biochemical blood tests show De Ritis ratio (AST/ALT ratio) decrease down to 1.0. It is interpreted as latent liver disorders. *Due to traditional Chinese medicine we know that the liver meridian dysfunction actively influences on the visual analyzer. @doctor.grigoriev
Anamnesis Analysis of the patient's condition in a general psychological aspect made us think about the first stage of Nux vomica – an excess of positive qualities: conscientiousness, consciousness, ambition (Vithoulkas). According to Boericke we also find symptoms in Nux vomica description related to pathologic features of the eyes. Nux vomica C200 prescribed. @doctor.grigoriev
Medical (case) history Control after 4 months : vision impairment has been slowed down, became less sensitive to bright light. Sense of bloating. Conflicts with parents at home. Lycopodium 1M prescribed. @doctor.grigoriev
Control test @doctor.grigoriev
Medical (case) history Consultation after 4 months Clinical studies confirmed the subjective stabilization of the processes of vision impairment. Basing on Clarke’s Materia Medica, Stellaria media 1М was prescribed after the analysis. @doctor.grigoriev
Medical (case) history 5 months later a profound clinical eye examination was conducted at the Institute of Ophthalmology. Conclusion: full-scale clinical picture has not become worse - stabilization. Repeated Stellaria media 1М prescription. @doctor.grigoriev
Control test @doctor.grigoriev
Comparative analysis @doctor.grigoriev
Thank you! @doctor.grigoriev