Department of Ophthalmology Clerkship Selectives By: Michael Wu, M.D., Clerkship Program Director Dorrie Quirante, Clerkship Program Administrator Clerkship website:
Ophthalmology Clerkships Two-week clerkship rotations: (UWMC, HMC, VA, CHRMC, GHC, & Spokane) Special electives & away electives – Outside UW (by approval only) WWAMI sites: (Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, Idaho) Other (e.g., other academic medical centers)
Instructional Materials Syllabus Textbook: Basic Ophthalmology for Med Student and Primary Care Residents (8th Edition, AAO) Self-Instruction: Slides, tapes, and workbooks are available for viewing in the Ophthalmology Dept. at the UWMC (Room BB-824) Ophthalmology Library: Books cannot be checked out, but are available for your use in the library and clinic.
Course Offerings Autumn, winter, spring, and summer quarters Total enrollment is 1 per site. Overbooking is by special arrangement, with clerkship director’s approval. Special electives: by specific arrangement for qualified students. Interested students should obtain a “Credit for clerkship forms" from the Dean’s Office at least two months before registration.
Goals Develop skills in commonly used eye examination techniques, applicable to primary care physicians or ophthalmologists. Gain experience in understanding and communicating ocular findings to physicians and patients. Practical experience with adult and/or pediatric patients. These clerkships provide a balance of outpatient, ER, and OR experience. Introduction and discussion of controversial and cutting-edge areas of ophthalmology.
Objectives Broad Educational Objectives: To develop confidence in specific examination techniques commonly used by ophthalmologists. To assist students in describing and communicating ocular findings with other physicians. To provide a first-time experience for students’ exposure to eye care in an ophthalmology practice setting. a. The application of basic science and clinical knowledge to specific eye problems;
b. Gaining practical experience and insight b. Gaining practical experience and insight into the communication skills, examination techniques, and treatments used in the practice of ophthalmology. c. Deciding on ophthalmology as a career. 4. To introduce students to controversial areas of ophthalmology in order to stimulate reading and investigation into these topics.
Process or Skill Objectives: To develop skill in reading an ophthalmologic consultation which requires a knowledge of specific terminology and abbreviations. 2. To develop and demonstrate satisfactory skill in performing the following procedures: a. Ophthalmic history b. Visual acuity assessment at near and distance c. Examination of the extraocular muscles (including the cover test) and intraocular muscles (accommodation and pupillary reactions)
d. Hand light and slit lamp examinations of the d. Hand light and slit lamp examinations of the external structures of the eye, lids, and lacrimal apparatus e. Examination of the cornea, anterior chamber, iris, lens & anterior vitreous with a slit lamp f. Ophthalmoscopic examination of the media (cornea, anterior chamber, lens, & vitreous) and fundus (optic disc, macula, and vessels) g. Confrontation examination of the peripheral visual fields 3. To prepare the student to provide initial management of eye emergencies.
Ophthalmology Courses 681 – HMC 683 – CHRMC 685 – VAPSHCS 686 – GHC 687 – UWMC 688 – Alaska 689 – Spokane 690 – Missoula 697 – Away Elective (other institutions out of states) 699 – Special Electives (WWAMI region)
Clerkship Quiz Quiz will be given on the 2nd Thursday of the two-week rotation. Total of 14 questions (multiple choices). This is one of the requirements for the completion of a two-week clerkship.
Honors Grade Requirements A. Obtain satisfactory clinical evaluations consistent with an honors grade. B. To be considered for an HONORS grade, you must submit a written paper: A topic related to the eye and visual system, chosen after discussing with a faculty member. Paper is due four weeks after the last day of your ophthalmology clerkship rotation. To receive an honors grade for two clerkships, you may do an 8-page (excluding references) on approved topic.
Teaching/Lectures/Conferences Introductory didactic lectures on first Monday of two-week clerkship rotation. Thursday Morning Lectures: These are held in room BB-824 UW/HSB, from 8:00am to 12:00noon. Review the Thursday morning lecture topics with a resident at your site by the preceding Wednesday. Grand rounds at 7:00am to 8:00am. Case Studies: All clerkship students meet with one of the faculty clinicians on the second Thursday of each rotation. Student need to familiarize themselves with the cases presented in the booklet prior to the case studies discussion.
Clinical Evaluations & Grading In order to receive a Pass, the student must complete satisfactorily a two-week clinical rotation. The highest grade student will receive is High Pass, if no clerkship honors paper is submitted. Honors will only be granted to students who submit a paper and receive an honors grade after this was reviewed by a faculty member. A written exam will be given on the second Thursday of your rotation. It is crucial to pass this test for the completion of a two-week clinical rotation. If you fail your two-week clinical rotation and submit an honor quality paper, the highest grade you will receive is Pass.
Q & A Dorrie Quirante, Program Administrator, (206) 685-1969 1. Who is the contact person for the Ophthalmology Department? Dorrie Quirante, Program Administrator, (206) 685-1969 E-mail: 2. Who is the contact person for Academic Affairs Office? Laura Ellis/Kim Nathane (206) 543-5560 3. Does the student need a pager? No, and we do not provide one. 4. What duty hours are expected? From 8:00am to 5:00pm – Mon. through Fri. (No clinic on Sat, Sun, and holidays) 5. Can I miss a day or two while on two-week clerkship rotation? Yes, for emergencies.