And How Does It Impact Me? What Is SBAC? And How Does It Impact Me?
Where We Are Now? Our education system needs to better prepare our students for success after high school: Anywhere from 28% to 40% of college freshmen are not ready for college level work and have to take extra classes just to catch up to their peers. “Catch-up” courses cost states and students around $2.3 billion each year in school and lost earnings.
Where We Are Now? Our education system needs to better prepare our students for success after high school: 7 of every 10 new jobs created in the future will require some type of formal education beyond high school. Local companies have to import qualified workers due to a shortage of skilled workers in areas like technology and science.
What Are the Key Shifts of the New Standards? ENGLISH: 1. Regular practice with complex texts and academic language 2. Reading, writing, and speaking using evidence 3. Building knowledge by reading more nonfiction
What Are the Key Shifts of the New Standards? MATHEMATICS 1. Greater focus on fewer topics 2. Linking topics across grades (“coherence”) 3. Develop understanding of concepts, procedures, and application (“numerical literacy”)
How Are Smarter Balanced Tests Different from Our Previous State Tests? Format Test questions go beyond multiple choice Difficulty Tests are aligned to Common Core Measure higher-level thinking and skills Student test scores will provide a more realistic picture of student achievement
Where Can I Review a Sample SBAC Exam? Students SBAC Practice Exams
Are There Any Special Rules? All personal devices must be turned off and placed inside backpacks in the back of the classroom! District and state staff will be constantly monitoring internet images for security breaches!
So Why Does SBAC Matter? If You Do Well, You Will Not Need to Take Remedial College Classes Scores Go on Your Transcript Scores Rank All Schools
So Should I Take SBAC Seriously?
So Should I Take SBAC Seriously?