Florida School Nutrition Association “Talk Up” Membership PowerPoint Introduce yourself. Add-If at any time you have questions, please just interrupt and ask. What YOUR Membership Can Do for YOU!
TOOT YOUR OWN HORN! Recruiting and Retaining Strategies Enthusiasm is the Key! We are all responsible to retain and recruit members! Read from screen Click for each line
Managers-Talk it Up Talk to new employees during the interview. Talk to employees during orientation and trainings. Talk to employees about the benefits of the associations. Read from Screen Click for each line Encourage employees to attend local meetings, region seminars, and conferences
General Workers-Talk it Up! Encourage all co-workers to join. Start new co-workers at the FSNA only level. Remind current members to renew. Ask them to check their membership card for renewal dates. Talk to co-workers about the benefits of the associations. Encourage co-workers to attend local meetings, region seminars, and conferences. Read from screen Click for each line
(State = FSNA/Florida School Nutrition Association, Inc.) Types of Membership State Only Membership (State = FSNA/Florida School Nutrition Association, Inc.) Members can join State only Use FSNA Member Only application. Send application and dues payment to: FSNA, 124 Salem Court, Tallahassee, FL 32301 Members can join state only. By state I mean FSNA which is the same as Florida School Nutrition Association. This is a good way to get a SFS worker involved. Get them to join state and maybe the next year they will join state and national. Some potential members need to start slowly! State only members can use the SNA application. Payment and application go to the FSNA office at 124 Salem Court, Tallahassee, FL 32301.
Types of Membership State and National Membership National = SNA/School Nutrition Association, Inc. To be a member of SNA, members must also be a member of FSNA Use the SNA application Send both SNA & FSNA dues & SNA application to the address on the application. Do not send dues separately. Pay online at www.schoolnutrition.org Reed the screen. To be a member of SNA you must be a member of FSNA-not the other way around. Stress to pay both dues at the same time!
Types of Membership-NEW School District Owned Membership Members of both SNA and FSNA New type of dues category. Membership owned by the school district. Each membership is transferable to another employee in the same category. Materials (publications, etc.) are sent to the school address. Members keep all the same benefits. Please pull out your School District Owned Membership Overview. It was behind this powerpoint. I will go over the highlights. Please read over all the documents on your own. This originally started to address decreasing membership. SDM is a membership that is owned by a school district in the name of the individual that is transferable to another employee in the same membership category. All materials (publication, etc.) are sent to the school district office or school address provided on the membership application. Please note that the home mailing option will not be available. Members will still receive all the same benefits.
School District Owned Membership Requires an administrator. No longer required to complete an application for each member. An excel spreadsheet can be submitted for all applicants in your district. Dues are non-refundable. They are transferrable. SDM requires an administrator for each district. There is a box on the SDM application to provide administrator information. Please see the SDM application on the bottom right. If your district decides the go with the district owned membership, you will no longer have to complete an application for every member. You will be able to use an Excel spreadsheet for all your applicants. Dues are non-refundable, but again, membership is transferrable.
School District Owned Membership SDM is not available for Student, Retired and Affiliate membership categories. Incentive-for every 5 NEW SDMs in the employee or manager categories, you get 1 free SDM. Expires December 2013. SDM is not available for Student, Retired and Affiliate membership categories. Incentive of 1 free SDM in the SN Employee or SN Manager categories for every 5 NEW SDMs that a school district signs up. This expires December 2011.
School District Owned Membership CN funding can be used for the cost of membership If your district decides to have school district owned membership, CN funding can be used for the cost of membership! Included in your materials is a letter form SNA & USDA. CLICK Talk to your district and your membership about becoming a SDM! Corkie, at this point I would ask if anyone has questions about SDM. See how long it takes. Check with Christina to see how much time you have left. Then, you can either continue or tell them to get on FSNA website to see all the benefits that they can use as recruiting tools. Talk to your district and your membership about becoming a SDM!
What Your Membership Can Do For You! Talk Up the Benefits! Professional Development Become SNA Certified I want to talk for a few minute on the benefits of being a member. Talk up the benefits!! As a member of FSNA and SNA, you can take advantage of programs that help you with your professional development. This is your member’s key to excellence! Zenia will talk about these programs later. Become Credentialed **New exam handbook as of 7/10/11** Your Member’s Key to Excellence!
What Your Membership Can Do For You! Scholarships and Research: Undergraduate, Upper and Lower Division GED Jumpstart Schwan’s Food Service Scholarship Nancy Curry Scholarships Research Grants and more! Scholarships and Awards-Members are eligible to apply for many scholarships in adult education; undergraduate, lower division; and undergraduate, upper division. These scholarships help finance continuing education through the FSFS Foundation. The Child Nutrition Foundation also offers opportunities such as the GED Jumpstart, Schwan’s Food Service and the Nancy Curry Scholarship. Other professional growth and research grant opportunities are also available. *****Click to continue with Scholarships and Research
What Your Membership Can Do for You! Recognition and Awards Star Club Heart of the Program Louise Sublette 100% Membership 100% Certification Manager of the Year Outstanding Director of the Year and other various awards. Membership Recognition and Awards Programs-As a member of FSNA and SNA, you are eligible for the SNA Star Club-just put your name on number 7 of the member’s application before submitting dues to SNA. Other awards are the Heart of the Program, Louise Sublette, 100% Membership, 100% Certification, Manager of the Year, Outstanding Director of the Year, and other various awards. Receive recognition in the FSNA and SNA publications and the FSNA Annual Conference program. By applying for awards and sharing your success, your peers can recognize you for your achievements and contributions.
Talk Up the Benefits! What Your Membership Can Do For You! Publications: School Food in Florida Florida weekly e-newsletter—TidBits and School Nutrition SNA SmartBriefs Publications-As a member of FSNA and SNA, you receive the FSNA publication School Food in Florida and the SNA publication School Foodservice & Nutrition. Both of these publications are your source for the best professional material around. The publications provide timely articles including chapter chatter, peer recognition, recipes, professional development, industry trends, and meeting updates. They are a reliable source for legislative information, program updates, technological advances, governance advice, as well as regular messages from the FSNA and SNA Presidents. Let potential members know that these are THEIR publications, and they shouldn’t be without them!
Talk Up the Benefits! What Your Membership Can Do For You! Encourages leadership ● Talk it up! Membership encourages leadership. Members learn more and can share their talents. Local, State and National Associations are always looking for new leaders. Members learn more and can share their talents!!!
Talk Up the Benefits! What Your Membership Can Do For You! Political Strength Political Strength-FSNA and SNA provide SFS with a voice in State and National Government, at the USDA and with the media. FSNA and SNA lobby, on member’s behalf, on current issues and program expansion and improvements. Jud will talk more about this later. The more members that belong to FSNA and SNA, the bigger voice SFS has. Our strength is in our membership numbers! Our Strength is in our Numbers
What Your Membership Can Do for You! Talk Up the Benefits! Child Nutrition Promotional Materials National School Breakfast Week On-line National School Lunch Week Shop at the SNA emporium by calling (800) 728-0728 or visit: ww.emporium.schoolnutrition.org Talk it up! Child Nutrition Promotional Materials-As a member of FSNA and SNA, you can have access to promotional brochures made available for use during National School Breakfast Week. You can also check out the new and improved web-based National School Lunch Week Promotional tool kit, featuring several student activity sheets you can download and distribute during lunch. You can shop at the SNA emporium by calling (800)728-0728 or visit www.emporium,schoolnutrition.org for all kinds of school foodservice promotional materials.
What Your Membership Can Do for You! www.schoolnutrition.org Career Headquarters Research Articles Bylaw changes Meeting Information Conference Information Online Information-As a member, you can visit www.floridaschoolnutrition.org and www.schoolnutrition.org for the most comprehensive sources of information regarding meetings, conferences and Bylaw changes. Browse www.floridaschoolnutrition.org for the Career Headquarters. Visit www.schoolnutrition.org for recipes, research articles and the job bank where members only can post job vacancies at no charge! Join the SNA online community to discuss your pertinent issues with your colleagues. Recipes Job Bank Check it Out!
Talk Up the Benefits! What Your Membership Can Do For You! Conference Discounts Educational Interest Sessions! Conference Discounts-Members receive discounts on FSNA and SNA Conference Registrations. Remind them that as a member this is their conference! It’s full of educational interest sessions and chatting with other SFS workers. They worked hard all year and deserve to treat themselves! Chat with Other Members!
What Your Membership Can Do For You! Conference Discounts Bid on an Auction! Continued-Conference Discounts-They can bid at the take a “chance” auction and enjoy the vendor exhibits. Enjoy the Vendor Exhibits!
What Your Membership Can Do For You! Conference Discounts Enjoy the Entertainment Continued-Conference Discounts-There is fun entertainment and, if they come to the banquet, they can watch THEIR officers being installed. Have fundraisers and help to offset member’s costs to conference! Watch THEIR Officers being Installed
Talk Up the Benefits! What Your Membership Can Do For You! Industry Partners Talk it up! Industry Partners-FSNA and SNA provide a direct link to Industry Members. By keeping Industry Members updated and informed about industry-related issues, partners can continue to provide and develop the products and services to assist you with your school foodservice operation. They are the best!!!!
What Your Membership Can Do for You! Allied Groups Liaison United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Florida Department of Agriculture (FDACS) Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) Florida Department of Health (FLDOH) National Food Service Management Institute (NFSMI) National Restaurant Association (NRA) Dietary Managers Association (DMA) American Dietetic Association (ADA) Allied Groups Liaison-By working with our allied societies in the areas of public health, nutrition, education, hunger, food safety and more, members have the opportunity to network, develop programs and build our industry with like-minded individuals. These cooperative efforts provide us with the key tools to help our industry grow to new heights. and many, many more!
What Your Membership Can Do for you! Talk Up the Benefits! Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefit Talk it up! Accidental Death and Dismemberment-free to all members. FSNA can help when you cannot. FSNA can help to assist your family when you cannot. $4,000 to all active members of FSNA. It’s FREE!!!!
You Are a Professional!!!! Talk Up the Benefits! What Your Membership Can Do for you! Talk Up the Benefits! Professional Image Professional Image-FSNA and SNA strive to ensure a positive image of school foodservice by being child nutrition spokespersons. Your Association reaches an audience of over 200 million through television, radio, newspaper, magazine and online news outlets. Remind your co workers-If you are in school foodservice, you are a PROFESSIONAL! You Are a Professional!!!!
Friendship is the Heart of Your Association!! What Your Membership Can Do for you! Talk Up the Benefits! Networking and Friendship Networking and Friendship-How many friends have you made over the years by being a member of FSNA and SNA? This is a GREAT talking point! Members have a greater opportunity to network with like-minded individuals on State and National levels. Professional colleagues have become lifelong friends. They continue to share ideas, give advice and make suggestions to one another; helping all of us improve our industry. Friendship is the heart of your Association! Friendship is the Heart of Your Association!!
Membership Pays for Itself! So you see with all these benefits… Membership Pays for Itself! Use all these reasons to get SFS people to join your local chapter! Remind your co-workers that with all these benefits, their membership pays for itself! A few more points: A membership recruiting and retaining booklet is available on the FSNA website. There are many recruiting tips and fundraising ideas. Please use it! Pat Pell your FSNA Membership Chair is also offering to assist your membership efforts. Please see the back of your badge. She has given you a few membership ideas. She has also provided her cell number. Pat has a bundle of energy and information to help you! Please use her! Also, a new member certificate with Candy’s logo is being handed out. This will provide instant recognition to your new members. Please use it! Any questions?