Participant Poll What Round of TAACCCT do you represent? Round 2 Multiple Are you a single-site or consortium grant? Single-site Consortium What is your current role in the grant? Project Manager Faculty Dean/VP/Other Leadership Role Career Navigator/Coach Other (list in chat)
TAACCCT Sustainability Toolkit August 4, 2016 2 – 3 p.m. EST
TAACCCT Learning Network at a Glance U.S. Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration (National) Jobs for the Future Maher & Maher American Association of Community Colleges CalState/Merlot U.S. National Science Foundation ATE Centers Other Non-Federal Providers of TA and Resources for TAACCCT Grantees: Creative Commons CAST The Transformative Change Initiative
Presenters FACILITATOR: Jennifer Freeman, Program Director, TAACCCT Learning Netowkr, Jobs for the Future GRANTEES: Leah Palmer, Executive Director, Arizona Advanced Manufacturing Institute (AzAMI), Mesa Community College, Round 3 Heather Raines, Operations and Communications Coordinator, West Virginia Bridging the Gap Consortium, Community & Technical College System of West Virginia, Round 3
Agenda Welcome and Introductions TAACCCT Learning Network Sustainability: Setting the Stage TAACCCT Sustainability Toolkit Walk-Through Sustainability Steps Grantee Examples Q&A
Participant Poll 4. What sustainability planning efforts is your program currently engaged in?
Why Focus on Sustainability? Sustainability: Setting the Stage Why Focus on Sustainability?
Sustainability Makes Sense Grant Funding Regardless of Source Expected to jumpstart programs or provide specific support Never expected to provide operational support on an ongoing basis Therefore recipients are expected to figure out how to sustain at least a portion of the work How and what can be sustained varies
What is Sustainability? DOL: Looks for evidence of a grantee’s planning to “integrate these strategies and activities into their non-grant funded program(s) for continued success.”
Examples Credit for Prior Learning Work-Based Learning WI, CO and LA created statewide, transparent credit-for-prior-learning processes to accelerate student success Work-Based Learning Colleges in Michigan are maintaining work-based learning models and operating them as Registered Apprenticeship programs Relationships with employers Colleges across the country plan to maintain and expand the strong working partnerships they have with employers.
TAACCCT Sustainability Toolkit
Step 1: Getting Started
Step 2: Alignment
Step 3: Greatest Impact on Success
Step 3: Greatest Impact on Success Arizona Advanced Manufacturing Institute (AzAMI) Career Navigators West Virginia’s Bridging the Gap Consortium Guided Pathways to Success (GPS)
Participant Poll 5. What innovations have been most successful in your grant? What data supports it?
Step 4: What will it take?
Step 4: What mechanisms will it take to sustain the innovation? Arizona Advanced Manufacturing Institute (AzAMI) Career Navigators West Virginia’s Bridging the Gap Consoritum Guided Pathways to Success (GPS)
Step 5: Additional Funding?
Step 6: Sustainability Work Plan
If you want to learn more about peer mentoring email Thank You! Download the new TAACCCT Sustainability Toolkit & Resources on WorkforceGPS Download Lessons from TAACCCT Round One Consortia: The Community College Transformative Change Initiative (TCI) report Connect with the NEW TAACCCT Community of Practice and search for TAACCCT resources at: Ask questions and to connect with peers and resources at If you want to learn more about peer mentoring email