College or Career Option – Plans After High School Project
Each Student will select three (3) college/vocational school or three (3) career options after high school. *Note: Each student can work with another student with similar goals. If working with a partner, select a partner that share similar goals (college or work) after high school.
The project will have four parts (A-E) A. Flowchart (See examples) B The project will have four parts (A-E) A. Flowchart (See examples) B. Power Point (9-12 slides) with Index Cards (3-5) C. Budget Sheet D. Oral Presentation E. Information (articles or brochures for each college or job)
Requirement for the Project The flowchart, PowerPoint, and oral presentation. It will be used to outline the student’s plan to gain employment or go to college after high school. Each student will outline the necessary steps to achieve their choices.
A. Flowchart - Write three (3) career options or three (3) college options. Put the necessary steps to achieve getting the job or getting accepted in the college in the flowchart.
B. Power Point (9-12 slides) It will outline the student’s college or career choices. Put them in preferential order (i.e., 1st choice, 2nd choice, 3rd choice) - If you are going to college, write about three (3) colleges or vocational schools you are considering. - If you are not going to college, write about three (3) job options you are considering.
Students going to work need to research their plans to gain the career or job opportunity that they are looking for after high school. The following steps need to be examined in the plans. - National (all of the United States) salary for the job they are seeking. - What are the requirements (application process, testing, background check)? - What are the necessary training or education for the job? - The other cost from the budget worksheet need to be outlined.
Students going to college need to research the following items: - Cost of tuition for the college. - What are the requirements (application process, assessments, grade point average, recommendation letters)? - Housing options (dorm or apartment). - The other cost from the budget worksheet need to be outlined. - How do you plan pay for your expenses? (Don’t write about parent assistance. Must show independent plans for the project.)
C. Budget Sheets (Each student must submit a budget worksheet with the essay at the end of the oral presentation. The budget sheets can be downloaded from the class website.
Budget Worksheet – College Students
Budget Worksheet – Not in College, working after high school.
D. Oral Presentation Requirement - Each student must present their project and show evidence that research was done for the project. - Use 3-5 index cards (must read during presentation) - Time frame (3-5 minutes) - Loud, clear, look at audience.
Information (articles or brochures for each college or job) Bring information from various sources (i.e., web sites, employment office, college/university campus). It should be a printed article or brochures regarding for each college or job to show proof the research was done.
Project Format: All the directed format and instruction need to be followed for full credit. The flowchart and budget sheets must be well written, clean, and no folds or wrinkles. The correct format will be on the web:
What is graded & value of the Project. 1 What is graded & value of the Project? 1. Flowchart (50 Points) – Write three (3) job options or three college options. Put the necessary steps to achieve getting the job or getting accepted into the college. 2. PowerPoint Presentation (400 Points) Each group member must present their own slides for full credit. 3. Index Cards 3-5 (50 Points) – Filled with information 4. Budget Sheets (100 Points) Each group member must submit a worksheet for full credit. 5. Information about college/job (100 Points) It should be a printed article or brochures regarding each college or job. Total Points for the Project = 700 Points