COWIB board Meeting Update
By the numbers Measure (Adult/DW) Requirement 1st QTR Final Requirement 2nd QTR 2nd QTR Receiving Skill Development 187 133 292 285 Receiving Occupational Training 60 80 99 146 Training Credentials 56 58 89 111 Entered OJT 6 10 17 16
By the numbers Measure (Adult/DW) Requirement 1st QTR Final Requirement 2nd QTR 2nd QTR Entered Reg App 4 7 10 Entered STEM Training 41 24 59 68 Emp After WIOA Services 70% 41% 54% Customer Satisfaction Rate 95% 98%
By the numbers Measure (Youth) Requirement 1st QTR Final Requirement 2nd QTR 2nd QTR Youth Enrolled 50 66 100 109 Enrolled in Occ Training 22 27 40 48 Obtain Educational Credential 15 21 33 37 Entering Employment 30 31 67 79
By the numbers Measure (Youth) Requirement 1st QTR Final Requirement 2nd QTR 2nd QTR Entering Work Experience 25 26 50 Enrolled in STEM Training 8 12 31 Entering OJT 3 4 5 6 Customer Satisfaction Rate 95% 99%
highlights 80% of adults employed after receiving WIOA services in January Met or exceeded all youth goals for 2nd quarter January overall satisfaction rate 99% (266 surveys) January adult satisfaction rate 99% January youth satisfaction rate 100% 1084 Total satisfaction surveys taken PYTD
Guthrie Job Corps Center Partnership Partner updates Guthrie Job Corps Center Partnership Continuing monthly enrollments Recently expanded partnership to Work-Based Learning opportunities Oklahoma Juvenile Bureau Partnership Just began second workforce program with juveniles on probation
Please note All comprehensive centers have been assessed for accessibility by Chares Watt, ADA Coordinator OKDRS All five centers had deficiencies Have submitted corrective action plans