Assistive Technology and your IEP Presented by Lisa Lightner
Introduction Participants will understand what Assistive Technology is and how to use it as part of the IEP process. Special Education/IEP advocate for 8 years. I can send this presentation out or you can take notes. How presentation will benefit audience: Adult learners are more interested in a subject if they know how or why it is important to them. Presenter’s level of expertise in the subject: Briefly state your credentials in this area, or explain why participants should listen to you.
What we’ll learn today. What is Assistive Technology Determining Student’s need and what type of AT IEP issues Adding to IEP, follow up, home use, etc. Lesson descriptions should be brief.
What is Assistive Technology IDEA definitions-1990 The word “assistive” Assistive Technology Device Assistive Technology Service Includes training for student, staff, parents. Anything that: is any item, piece of equipment, software program, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of persons with disabilities. Example objectives At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: Save files to the team Web server. Move files to different locations on the team Web server. Share files on the team Web server.
Beyond the iPad-Types of Assistive Technology Low/No tech to high tech. Can be as simple as a sticky note, pencil grip or slant board. Screens, devices and equipment that cost tens of thousands of dollars. Where do I find out what is available?
Determining Need Two common evaluations SETT-Student, Environment, Tasks, Tools; explained in next slide WATI-Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative (the Gold Standard), link at end of presentation, very thorough
SETT Process
Evaluation Ongoing Find a qualified evaluator-school, children’s hospital, etc. SETT is not a “once and done” evaluation. Parent/student needs to be in contact with team. Parents (and student, to maximum extent possible) need to really be engaged and do their own research as to what AT is available.
Learn more about SETT and WATI (kind of the guru!) /sett-framework.html (lots of great resources that are user friendly) Center on Technology and Disability Each state has a Parent Training Center for Special Education. Find yours here or access their great information. WATI website: WATI document in its entirety: content/uploads/2015/09/WATI- Assessing-Students-Needs-for- Assistive-Technology.pdf Learning Module on using WATI: assessment-process Paths to Literacy: ology/wisconsin-inititative-wati- assessing-students-needs-assistive- technology
Being Heard-5 Essential Opportunities within IEP Parents should be doing all 5 of these. Also the time to express AT needs. Evaluations: Letter and Permission to Evaluate form Eval/Re-evaluation report Parent Concerns Letter After Meeting Letter PWN-Prior Written Notice
Adding AT into IEP Like everything else, team decision. Define it, all of it. Who will purchase Who will maintain Who will train and be trained Is it needed for home/homework Who is responsible for breakage/repairs Who will re-evaluate and when
How do I find out… “There is no list.” Internet. Networking. Parent groups. Disability groups. Allow time for questions.
Resources & Videos to Watch ATIA: Wrightslaw: Isabel Needs Assistive Technology (With Closed Captions and Video Description)