Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission Edithvale & Bonbeach Level Crossing Removals Environmental Effects Statement NSRFL Reponse (No Sky Rail: Frankston Line) Community Association No: A0095560C Part D: Community View No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A Chapter Introduction We have broken our presentation down into the Chapters shown below. The topic of this Chapter is highlighted below. Section Title Duration Contents Chapter A Introduction 20 mins Introduces NSRFL presentation on the EES on the Edithvale and Bonbeach Level Crossing Removals. Chapter B Methodology NSRFL response to the EES statement, reviewing its Methodology and Approach. Chapter C Rebuttals Reviews pro-Sky Rail submissions and other anti-Rail Under Road position taken by a small number of people Chapter D Community View 30 mins Community views of a Rail Under Road solution. This shows you want the community actually would like to see. Chapter E Summary Brings together all sections of our presentation. Links these to the EES panel hearings over the past two weeks. Chapter F Publicity Material Appendix of supplementary and supporting material. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission: Part A
All submission used with permission of individual member Section Introduction This section covers the community views of a Rail Under Road solution to level crossing removal in Edithvale and Bonbeach As a true community group, our views are an amalgam of those of our members: ordinary people who live in our community. So our views on what the community want are drawn from the submissions of our members and discussions we have had with our supporters over the past 2.5 years. We present them here, with an unifying narrative, to present to the panel how the Edithvale and Bonbeach communities wish the Rail Under Road solution to be presented. All submission used with permission of individual member No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 145: NSRFL member Sarah Popp A strong driver among the community was the desire for the new stations to reflect our beach heritage No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 145: NSRFL member Sarah Popp The use of wood in station construction was a common theme in our communities Wood has become a popular material in modern construction due to its naturally textured look. Wood is also much softer No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 145: NSRFL member Sarah Popp The use of hanging / vertical gardens was recommended to cover up and soften the impact of concrete and other hard, unsightly surfaces This will bring more natural colour and texture in to the design Vertical gardens will also… (more to come) We believe there will there are many members of the community who will be willing to tend these gardens. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 163: NSRFL member Adrian Barker Community members also see the project as an opportunity to enhance general traffic flow through Edithvale One suggestion is to re-align Nepean Highway to move traffic away from the shops The footpath can also be widened to allow for café seating and other community uses, such as a street- side market. This will allow an extra slip lane to be built in front of the shops for easier parking. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 163: NSRFL member Adrian Barker Other ideas to increase parking include angle parking where the old siding is in the north-east corner of the station This could cantilever over the trench to give added parking room No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 178: NSRFL member Adrian Barker One suggestion is to align the pedestrian crossing over Nepean Highway with Beeson Reserve. This would direct foot traffic from the station down on the reserve, making it a much more used community space. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 163: NSRFL member Adrian Barker Incorporate more “Kiss & Go” points for safer pick up and drop off There are currently no safe spaces to drop off or pick up commuters Local driveway are being used as de facto drop off points. These are unsafe and have been the cause of many near-miss accidents. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 163: NSRFL member Adrian Barker Re-use railway materials in the landscaping and final design This image shows the old railway sleepers being incorporated into the new barrier fencing along the trench. This would create an undulating uneven surface that would deter grafitti. The railway would als then become part of the heritage of the new build No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 231: NSRFL member Susan Heggie The community feel strongly about the replacement of any vegetation that will be lost to this project. Wherever possible, larger trees should be replaced for air quality and sound insulation along Station St and Nepean Hwy. The LXRA has been unclear about whether the trees in their pictures will actually be planted Question: Can we confirm if these trees are possible? Or were they just an artist’s impression? No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 231: NSRFL member Susan Heggie Many members of our group support the concept of vertical gardens. We would love to see a lot more creative vegetation of space, such as vertical plantings that will not allow graffiti such as those used in many cities around the world already. We ask that such plantings be incorporated in to the final station designs at Edithvale and Bonbeach. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 231: NSRFL member Susan Heggie Many members of our group support the concept of vertical gardens. This would also be ideal for the outside of the substation, as the new Yarra Trams one on Nepean Hwy (Brighton East Village) is wooden and already covered in graffiti. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 231: NSRFL member Susan Heggie We are keen to use any means to prevent graffiti ! This would also be ideal for the outside of the substation that will sit in the middle of our community in Edithvale Note: the new Yarra Trams one on Nepean Hwy (Brighton East Village) is wooden and already covered in graffiti. BEFORE BEFORE No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 231: NSRFL member Susan Heggie Graffiti is becoming more and more prevalent No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 231: NSRFL member Susan Heggie Graffiti is becoming more and more prevalent The re-location of existing power lines from the train line edge to the residential side of Station St should be placed underground due to the danger of placing them in the proximity of homes. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 178: NSRFL member Tamlyn Dwyer The local community is coming behind (Edithvale Collective) a new community group that is enhancing the existing community spaces Other requests include murals and art work by local primary school students One of the Edithvale Collective initiatives is this lively, colourful sign post that adds a splash of colour and fun to the local streetscape. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 178: NSRFL member Tamlyn Dwyer We are keen to reflect our beach side setting in the final design These images show local beachscapes. We would love to see these colours and textures reflected in the new station buildings. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 178: NSRFL member Tamlyn Dwyer An underpass would negate the need for an unnecessarily long pedestrian foot bridge to clear the tracks at Berry Ave, Edithvale It has been noted, that the proposed footbridge at Berry Avenue would be over 100 m long on both sides of the tracks. One suggestion is that an underpass be built instead. This would not need to be as deep as the footbridge would need to be high, so the down and up ramps would be shorter. This long length is needed to ensure a gentle grade for all users. This would mean a quicker crossing over the tracks. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 178: NSRFL member Tamlyn Dwyer Vegetation can be used to soften and hide the concrete and metal crash barriers No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 178: NSRFL member Tamlyn Dwyer This is a good example of smaller plants used to create a barrier between two hard surfaces No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 178: NSRFL member Tamlyn Dwyer We do not want something like this No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 178: NSRFL member Tamlyn Dwyer We are pleased to see that attractive and tall trees can indeed be placed adjacent to the trench No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 239: NSRFL member Sean Wise I encourage these examples to be incorporated into the design as the Urban Design Guidelines (UDG’s I encourage the opportunity to incorporate as much living gardens and naturally themed products to preserve this coastal feel, and as a model for Sustainable Urban Design The station feel should provide a smooth, natural transition from Public transport infrastructure to Beeson Reserve to the beach at Edithvale A vibrant hub the community and commuters alike, will enjoy. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 239: NSRFL member Sean Wise Keast Park, Carrum – Wood cladding Examples of Dune- like features around the station No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 239: NSRFL member Sean Wise Northern Goldfields Regional Office and Admin Building, Leonora, WA. Natural materials such as wood cladding, rusted metals, curved seating and garden incorporation in use. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 239: NSRFL member Sean Wise San Francisco’s first community- built living wall is a drought- resistant masterpiece. Living wall features could be incorporated into Station areas such as per Leppington Station in New South Wales No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 179: NSRFL member Willem Popp My own personal submission is more on listening to the community I will cover this off in my own presentation after this group presentation. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 187: NSRFL member Elizabeth Joy Long term residents, over 70 years, family goes back 90 years Not averse to change, but it should be appropriate and amenable to unique coastal character Welcome EES report that shows no negative impact on Wetlands No reason to not remove level crossing via trench Elevated rail would devastate the area No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 187: NSRFL member Elizabeth Joy Design should keep in character with local area Sub-station should also be designed to match station Local coastal shrubs and grasses Planter boxes Coastal banksias and Ti trees Happy to join a local community group to maintain station surrounds No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
Submission 187: NSRFL member Elizabeth Joy Extra lift to main station entry for elderly and disabled Berry Avenue should be an underpass, not an overhead walkway Consideration needs to be given to community members during construction No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
NSRFL member Natalie Roberts Disability access is an important issue for residents. We believe the current design can be improved as suggested below. Most car parking will be on the car deck with entry to the Station via stairs only. The current design forces this group of users to park and traverse the intersection (lights/road etc) to access the ramp/elevator. Elevator and ramp access to the station platform in only available via the main station entry. We suggest that the elevator be positioned in the main car part to enable direct access for wheelchair users, the elderly, parents with prams and those with mobility issues. Parking near the main entry is just 3 spaces and may not be suitable for disability priority parking. No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
NSRFL member Natalie Roberts page Intro afdadf No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
NSRFL member Natalie Roberts page Intro afdadf No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission
NSRFL member Natalie Roberts page Intro afdadf No Sky Rail: Frankston Line Edithvale & Bonbeach EES Submission