my job today .. specificities of NAPPO technical and capacity building achievements emerging pests and issues surveillance projects and activities proposals for further collaboration Report-out IYPH 2nd StC meeting
1. specificities Mission - NAPPO provides a forum for public and private sectors in Canada, the United States and Mexico to collaborate in the regional protection of agricultural, forest, other plant resources, and the environment while facilitating safe trade
1. how do we accomplish our mission ? Develop regional standards, discussion, science and technology, protocol, position and other documents Conduct high-impact workshops and symposia Promote harmonized approaches to plant health Communicate with stakeholders; promote transparency and foster trust Strategic cooperation with key partners
1. NAPPO management team Executive Committee Secretariat Osama El-Lissy & John Greifer Javier Trujillo-Arriaga Marie-Claude Forest Stephanie Bloem Executive Director Alonso Suazo Technical Director Sofía Baez Executive Assistant Nedelka Marín-Martinez Translator-Interpreter Secretariat Industry Advisory Group Advisory and Management Committee Andrew Morse Craig Regelbrugge Mario Puente Stephanie Bloem Alonso Suazo Dominique Pelletier Rajesh Ramarathnam Pati Abad Ana Lilia Montealegre
1. NAPPO expert groups – government + industry Rob, Stephan, Christine, Karine, Janine, Wendy, Rob, Diana, Thierry, Peter, Bruno, Steve, Nancy, Rajesh, Blaine, Kristina, Julia, Dave, Sigrun, Abdul, Alain, Gordon, Fuyou, Jean-Francois Dave, Mathuresh, Gord, Alexandra, Chuck, Barry, Brian, Brian, Dominique Lottie, Scott, Dean, Angela, Brendon, Christian, Dave, Bob, Bob, Ken, Ashley, Tyrone, Paul, Lynn, Christina, George, Stephen, Richard, Yilmaz, Gericke, Lisa, Ignacio, Amanda, Ric, Terry Ric, Craig, Mike, John, Jim, Gary, Arvid, Jim, Brad, Russell, Rene, Faith Héctor, Noé, Aideé, Gustavo, Sara, Clemente, Hugo, Delfino, Andrés, Nallely, Daniel, Ana Lilia, Claudio, Nancy Mario, Alejandra, Hugo, Manuel, Ricardo, Gregorio
1. NAPPO funding 220,000 300,000 Salaries, travel, professional development, operational, recurring costs
2. technical and capacity building achievements NAPPO projects can be … Finite Ongoing Update existing standards Phytosanitary Alert System Develop new standards Electronic Certification Offer workshops, symposia Annual Meeting Develop discussion or science and technology documents
2. The state of NAPPO – 2017 11 finite carry-over projects – 4 completed DD on Likelihood of Establishment DD on Criteria for Phytosanitary Treatments for Seeds Risk-Based Sampling Symposium Specification on Diversion from Intended Use
2. The state of NAPPO – 2017 others have deliverables into 2018 Asian Gypsy Moth Lymantriids Khapra Beetle Biological Control Potato Forestry – RSPM 41 on Systems Approach for Wood Risk-Based Sampling – Proceedings and Manual
2. The state of NAPPO – 2017 Country Consultation Ap. 1–Jun. 30 Four projects DD on Likelihood of Establishment DD on Criteria for Phytosanitary Treatments for Seeds RSPM 41 Systems Approach for Wood Specification on Diversion from Intended Use Comments compiled, reviewed Documents updated, reformatted, onto next steps
2. The state of NAPPO – 2017 Call for new project proposals – Jun. 1–Jul. 31 Fourteen projects received Update of several RSPMs Workshops New S&T document Electronic educational portal AMC – preliminary ranking EC – next steps and final decisions
2. The state of NAPPO - 2017 Re-negotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement – NAFTA Hoping for positive results in the phytosanitary area SPS chapter names NAPPO
3 & 4. emerging pests/issues and surveillance projects/activities Discussion document on preventing introduction, establishment and spread of Khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium) in North America Develop S&T document on risks associated with Lymantriids of potential concern to the NAPPO region Validate risk periods for regulated Asian gypsy moth in countries of origin Develop harmonized criteria for evaluating phytosanitary seed treatments International symposium on inspection sampling to support harmonized implementation of ISPMs 23 and 31 in the NAPPO region and internationally
5. proposals for further collaboration attend/participate at 42nd NAPPO Annual Meeting – 3rd week of Oct. 2018 – Tucson, Arizona, USA support implementation of ISPMs – possible Americas workshop on implementation of ISPM 38*** NAPPO signed a Letter of Agreement with OIRSA possible HLB workshop via GICSV
6. IYPH report-out What RPPO comes next? margins of CPM-12 – 12-13 Ap., 2017 – 18 participants re-formalized committees – Kyu-Ock vice-chair communications/partnerships new updated workplan updates to website planning side event @ 40th session of FAO fact sheets on each theme year finances looking for additional $$ & partnerships What RPPO comes next?
Josh @ NAPPO!!
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