Documentation, Device Classes Catalogue and other projects - s2Innovation for the Community Piotr Goryl/Tango Community, S2Innovation Sp. z o.o., 2018-06-07, Tango Collaboration Meeting, ELI Beamlines
Device Classes Catalogue Current status 708 device servers in the catalogue Classes being kept in institutes’ repositories are pending to be included Stars and comments Image Planned improvements Support for mark-down (fix) Extended download section (repo package, container image, binary) Some more publicity Migration to Django 1.11 ? Move from subtree to separate Python package Import new repositories -> your repositories Extends support for non-XMI device servers (PyTango HL)
Device Classes Catalogue Need a device server?
Device Classes Catalogue Have you written a new device server?
Live catalogue presentation And feedback
Update TangoBox originally prepared by 3Controls and the Community TangoBox service Update TangoBox originally prepared by 3Controls and the Community download and documentation: Technicalities (current status): Use containers to simulate multi-host environment except for Tango Database Version currently installed: Tango 9.2.5, PyTago 9.2.2,…
TangoBox To be done Packages update Fix of some configurations (like bensikin) Update archiving containers to do not clean data from database on restart Move Tango Database to a container? Use docker composer to build Prepare light version without build-in docker images but with script to build ones
To facilitate community shared activities Community Animation To facilitate community shared activities Monitor and follow forum and repositories to encourage you to give answers and solve tickets Encourage you to ask questions Facilitating sharing Respond to needs Author unknown, license: CC BY-SA
Documentation Status Monday Workshop 43 pull-requests merged (40 issues closed) 47 tickets pending (30 selected for autumn milestone) See: Monday Workshop New issues created (supplementing text with diagrams, update outdated articles, …) Milestone for autumn is created What is a goal for the documentation? Keep projects like HDB++ on a separate server Use of intersphinx extension
Some technicalities Requirements Sphinx 1.6.5, IPython<6.0 There is Travis configured to automatically check pull requests Conversion tool used Converts almost anyformat to any format Usually requires cleaning
Something needs to be added/updated/fixed? Workflow Something needs to be added/updated/fixed? create a new issue - update on GitHub - create pull request - clone - update - check - commit - create pull request
Tutorial and discussion
Thank you