The 4 Steps of a Presentation
Follow the Steps STEP 1 Preparing STEP 2 Introducing STEP 3 Delivering STEP 4 Concluding
Preparing Practice it! Know your subject Know your presentation
Introducing Tell your audience who you are and why you are there “Hello, my name is Ricky Bobby and today I am going to talk to you about snow blindness in cats”
Delivering Always be aware of your body language Make eye contact Speak loudly Speak clearly Speak slowly
Concluding Briefly summarize your presentation Tell us what you told us
30 Second Intro 30 Second Intro Presentation Using the 4 steps of a presentation (Preparing, Introducing, Delivering & Concluding) each student will give a 30 second presentation on 1 of the following topics. Your Pet(s) Your Back Yard Your Expectations in this Class