Understanding Standards An overview of course assessment Care (Higher) An overview of course assessment
What this presentation covers the overall structure of the revised Higher Care course assessment what is changed and what is unchanged a detailed overview of the new question paper component general guidance on preparing candidates for assessment
An overview of what is changed / what is unchanged The project is retained, but is reduced in weighting from 100% of course assessment to 70%. A new question paper component has been introduced and will be worth 30% of the course assessment.
Overall structure of the revised course assessment Level Course assessment Higher Project Question paper There are now two components to the course assessment. Together, they will provide the basis for grading attainment in the course award. The course will be graded A–D.
An overview of what has changed / what is unchanged Course assessment component Mark allocation Project 90 Question paper 40
Detailed overview of question paper component Higher Care – question paper Mark allocation Human development and behaviour 12 Social influences Values and principles 16 Total 40
General Guidance Submission of the project component is anticipated to be in April, date to be published in due course. Examination of the question paper component is anticipated to be in June, date to be published in due course.
General Guidance The Higher Care Course Specification can be accessed via the SQA website.
Questions Questions can be sent using the NQ Care enquiry form on the Care subject page of the SQA website.
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