Never fear help is here! Feeling overwhelmed by maths? Don’t know what to do next? Never fear help is here!
Revision in Maths There are topics you are good at and need to revise to keep them fresh There are topics you need to learn/relearn as you have forgotten them
Revise topics The topics that are green on your traffic light analysis are ones that you need to spend a little time regularly looking at to keep them fresh. Timetable your refreshers each should be no more than 5 or 10 mins using your maths book Make sure you look at them all twice in the next 3 months This will prevent you going down a grade
Learn topics The topics that are yellow or red on your traffic light analysis are topics you need to work harder at Choose 5 (listed on your pinpoint questions) Schedule revision time of at least an hour for each maybe more Use mymaths, mathswatch, revision guides and your teachers, tutors and family to help you Bring your Pinpoint learning questions into school for practice your maths teachers will advise you when this will be for your class
What does your traffic light analysis look like?
What is pinpoint Learning?
Good Luck
Feeling overwhelmed by English? Don’t know what to do next? Never fear – help is here!
Which student do you think is more likely to succeed? Stay switched on in class – get down to all tasks immediately. Engage in discussion. Ask questions. Avoid distractions.
Which student do you think is more likely to succeed? Do all the home learning set. On time. Make a schedule. Submit something meaningful that the teacher can comment on.
English Literature ‘A Christmas Carol’ and ‘Macbeth’ Download the PiXLit app – short quizzes to help you learn quotations for part (b) of the question. Re-read both texts – available free online!
What is my login? Your login is exactly the same as for the PiXL Maths app. For example: Login: OKOSUNJ Password: OKOSUNJ (to be changed on first use)
English Literature Poetry Borrow a good student’s anthology and annotate any poems you may have missed in class. Do practice exam questions. You have three poems in the ‘power of nature’ mini-group. Write three essays: Exposure vs Storm on the Island Exposure vs The Prelude The Prelude vs Storm on the Island This means the exam is not the first time you have ever thought about comparing the two poems!
Make use of YouTube Find YouTube tutorials on all the texts we are studying: Mr Bruff Mr Salles Stacey Reay Helpmemrdavies Mrs Whelan’s English Sit with a notebook/the anthology in front of you and stop and start the video, writing down any good points you hear. Then say these good points in class so you can know if you’ve understood what you’ve heard – and impress your classmates!
English Language What does your traffic light analysis look like? You will get two sheets: Paper 1 – fiction Paper 2 – non fiction
Example Student
Example Student
Quick Win: Writing Practice Use the ‘five ones’ planning method to create a story using any picture prompt you can find. Time yourself: plan for 5 minutes only. Practice creating an engaging piece of writing in the remaining 40 minutes. Writing skills = 50% of the marks for English Language
Mrs Okosun’s Drop-In Sessions I will be holding after-school sessions on each question of the exam paper on the dates below. I will post the dates outside my classroom and they will go into the registers also. Question Date Paper 1, Q2 Thursday 25 Jan Paper 2, Q2 Thursday 1 Mar Paper 1, Q3 Thursday 1 Feb Paper 2, Q3 Thursday 8 Mar Paper 1, Q4 Thursday 8 Feb Paper 2, Q4 Thursday 15 Mar Paper 1, Q5 Thursday 22 Feb Paper 2, Q5 Thursday 22 Mar