Giant Cell Arteritis: Timely Diagnosis and Emerging Treatment Strategies
Overview of GCA
Overview of GCA (cont)
Epidemiologic Factors Related to GCA
Visual Signs and Symptoms
Optic Disc in GCA
Vision Loss in GCA
Jaw Claudication
The PMR Connection
Diagnosing GCA
Normal TA, 4X, H&E Stain
Normal TA, 4X, Elastin Stain
TA, 4X, H&E Stain: Evidence of Arteritis
TA, 4X, Elastin Stain: Evidence of Arteritis
Ultrasound: Normal TA, Right Parietal Ramus
Ultrasound: Normal Right Parietal Ramus
Ultrasound: Hypoechoic Circumferential Wall Thickening Due to Vasculitic Wall Edema -- Halo Sign
Ultrasound: Left Mid-Subclavian Artery With Hypoechoic Wall Edema and Halo Sign
Fused PET CT: Increased FDG Uptake in Ascending and Descending Aorta Walls
Diagnostic Algorithm for GCA
Conventional Treatments
Steroids: Not Effective in Long-Term Disease Control (GiACTA)
Methotrexate in GCA
Infliximab in GCA
New Knowledge on Pathophysiology of GCA
Emerging Treatments: TCZ
Relapse-Free Survival After Stopping TCZ
GiACTA Trial
Sustained Remission Primary and Key Secondary Endpoints
Sensitivity Analysis
Time to First Flare Following Clinical Remission
Steroid Dosing, Without TCZ
TCZ Had Significant Steroid-Sparing Effect
Safety Overview
IL-12/23 Inhibitor: Ustekinumab
IL-23 Inhibitor: Ustekinumab (cont)
Ustekinumab: Conclusions
Concluding Remarks
Abbreviations (cont)