Training for Circulation Clerks Diane Disbro Scenic Regional Library, Missouri
Welcome to your first day at your new job. This is your work station Welcome to your first day at your new job! This is your work station. GO!
Advertisement Circulation Clerk Scenic Regional Library‘s Pacific branch is seeking qualified applicants to fill a part-time position. The position involves working at the circulation desk assisting patrons find materials and answering reference questions, assisting patrons with technology-related questions and issues, and includes other general clerical duties. This position requires the ability to lift up to 40lbs. The salary starts at $10.50 per hour for 16-20 hours per week, including some evening and Saturday hours. A high school diploma, good computer skills, and customer service experience are required. Click here for complete job description.
Job Description Position Title: Circulation Clerk, Part Time General Summary: To provide exemplary customer service to all library patrons. Essential Job Duties: Job Requirements: Essential Physical Job Requirements:
Employee Welcome Manual You are the Missing Piece!
Training Schedule Day 1 Day 2 9 AM-9:30 AM - HR paperwork with Business Manager 9:30 AM-11:30 AM - Evergreen I with Trainer 11:30 AM-12:30 PM - lunch with Assistant Director and Business Manager 12:30 PM-1:30 PM - Technical training with IT Manager 1:30 PM-3:30 PM - Desk time, etc. at Union branch Day 2 9 AM-11:30 AM - Evergreen II with Circulation Coordinator 11:30 AM - Noon-lunch on your own 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM - Do the Dewey with Youth Service Director 12:30 PM-1:30 PM - Customer Service Basics with Trainer 1:30 PM-3:30 PM - Desk time, etc. at Union branch
Human Resources Tax forms Employee rights Personnel manual
Missouri Evergreen I & II What is Evergreen? Logging Into Evergreen Evergreen Portal (Homepage) Opening Tabs in Evergreen Patron Search Checking Out Items Checking In Items Editing a Patron Record Evergreen II - Patron Registration Checking Out Unprocessed Items Renewing Items Renewing an Expired Account Searching the Catalog and Placing a Hold Managing Holds Billing Entering and Paying Bills for Copies and Faxes Offline Circulation Using the OPAC
Our ILS training materials and our circulation procedure manual are on the Missouri Evergreen website in Member Resources -> Member-Developed Resources Please note: We are always updating the in-house copies of these materials and the online copies aren’t always up-to-date. Contact me if you want the latest version.
Technology Using the staff intranet Using your Gmail account How do I clock in and out? How do I find my work schedule? Using Cybrarian print management and remote patron computer log-in How to run Malwarebytes
Do the Dewey Dewey Decimal System Shelf Order
Customer Service Greeting patrons Checking out items Situational awareness Phone etiquette Library card registration Showing, not pointing If you don’t know The Hand-Off Being a “Yes” Library
Pictorial Directory of Staff and Board Members
Desk Time, Etc., at the Union Branch Tour the branch, focusing on shelving locations Away from the circulation desk, practice checking in and sorting materials Work at the circ desk with experienced staff Get excited about having the best job EVER!
When did we start accepting credit card payments? Six months later---- When did we start accepting credit card payments?
Communicate ! ! ! Email group for circ clerks Quarterly visits to branches Yearly circulation refresher training
Get your staff off to a good start with intentional rather than accidental training! And never stop communicating ! Diane Disbro, Branch Manager/Circulation Coordinator Scenic Regional Library, 308 Hawthorne Drive, Union, MO, 63084 (636)583-3224