Learning Management Systems @ Illinois Looking Towards the Future of Instructor and Student Engagement
Overview The Task Force The Data Next Steps Feedback Questions Purpose People Process The Data Next Steps Feedback Questions
What is a LMS?
The Purpose Charge: Determine Campus’ needs for learning management systems Rationale: Needs have changed as have technologies and tools Hardware refresh approaching for current Blackboard/Illinois Compass (2 years) Reduce complexity in LMS space for students
The People Rick Hazlewood, Technology Services Jason Mock, CITL Jill Moore-Reynen, Business Dave Mussulman, Engineering Deanna Raineri, Office of the Provost Sol Roberts-Lieb, CITL (Chair) Ryan Thomas, Education Tracy Tolliver, Technology Services Jose Vazquez, LAS Jim Witte, LAS Maryalice Wu, CITL
The Process Communication Determine Needs Instructor Survey Focus Groups Teaching Academies Compare Needs to Technologies Make Recommendation Procurement Create Implementation Plan Execute Implementation Plan Communication is part of the process throughout. Depending on the recommendation, is it Sole source or RFP. The Implementation Plan would have training, transition, integration, maintenance and support. Focus Groups: – Instructors, Students, eLearning Professionals, IT Administrators
Learning Management Task Force No Decisions Have Been Made Yet Communication and Conversation is Key Any Decision and plan will be vetted. Any change will take time
The Data Stratified Random sample of all instructors on campus for Fall 2015 (N=1438) Response Rate (26.6%) and Number of Responses (382) General Types of Questions Select the course that used a LMS system the most. Approx. 50-50 split between large and small classes. Qualities that would be beneficial in a new LMS Importance of a variety of features.
Think about the next generation of learning management systems, which of the qualities listed below would be at all beneficial to you?
What level of importance you place on the following additional features?
Top items for each category What level of importance do you place on the following features? N Mean Content features: Upload files 337 3.76 Course management features: Course copy from one semester to the next 330 3.41 Mobile features: Student ability to access course 321 3.39 Gradebook features: Ability to order columns as desired 325 3.29 Assessment features: Assignment submission 327 3.21 Communication: Announcements 336 3.09
Next Steps Focus Groups Town Hall Potential Website
Focus Group Goals and Questions Goal: Determine what you want to see in an LMS to improve teaching, learning, research, and outreach activities. Questions: What does easy and intuitive mean to you? What doesn’t your LMS allow you to do? What would you like to do in your class that you can’t do today? Are these the right questions for us to ask the focus groups? Should we be talking to another audience? Is this the right approach?
Your Thoughts? Thoughts later? Email us: lmstaskforce@illinois.edu