TT-GISC-2016 Doc 15 Agenda Item 2 Toulouse GISC Status TT-GISC-2016 Doc 15 Agenda Item 2
GISC Toulouse Dissemination: 6.5 Gb for 24h cache (150 000 products) Transmet for WMO users. Difmet for public users. 6.5 Gb for 24h cache (150 000 products) 300 Mb for AMDCN 24h (14000 products)
Last news Provision of a opensource software: excel2wisxml to convert excel template to WMO Core profile 1.3 metadata Numerical weather prediction DCPC operational , free access to models : Global operational numerical weather prediction model - ARPEGE - Resolution 0.5 degree on the globe Global operational numerical weather prediction model - ARPEGE - Resolution 0.1 degree over Europe High resolution and limited area operational numerical weather prediction model - AROME - Resolution 0.025 over France Backup meeting with GISC Moscow VGISC meeting with UK-MET
short-term actions and plans Implementation of RMDCN connexion with NOAA Implementation of backup with NCs: Ireland, Iceland and Netherlands New operational DCPC : RCC, hash and cyclone Metadata: Pursuing the migration of metadata to WMO Core 1.3 Pursuing the creation and update of Meteo-France metadata Involve in OpenWIS development, WIS GISC/DCPC/NC opensource software Planification of a workshop for VGISC members in autumn 2016.
TOULOUSE GISC interconnexion GISC TOULOUSE STATUS 2016-04-14 Country Region Location Link support Harvesting Comment Australia RA V Melbourne Operational RMDCN Brazil RA III Brasilia internet China RA II Beijing France RA VI Toulouse Germany Offenbach India New Delhi To be done Iran, Islamic Republic of Tehran Japan Tokyo Morocco RA I Casablanca Pre-operational Republic of Korea Seoul Russian Federation Moscow Saudi Arabia Jeddah Harvesting trouble South Africa Pretoria United States of America RA IV Washington In progress
TOULOUSE NC interconnexion
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