9. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal dalam konteks kehidupan sehari- hari Berbicara:
9. 2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: menyatakan rasa terkejut (surprised) Berbicara:
IdentifyIdentify RespondRespond ExpressExpress IdentifyIdentify RespondRespond ExpressExpress AT THE END YOU COULD:
Do you know about peoples responses when they got news? How do they look? Happy? Sad? Angry? Surprise?
Which one is the expression of surprised?
Surprised : if you are surprised by something that happens, you do not expect it, so it seems strange or unusual.
ThatAt/by Im really surprised that my mom remembered my birthday. Im really surprised that she buy a cool bike for me. He was surprised at how late it was. Robby seemed a little surprised by my question.
Collocating with Linking Verb Collocating with adverbs Surprised to see/hear/lear appear, be, feel, look, seem, sound extremely, fairly, very, greatly, most, not at all, not in the least, a little, slightly, truly They appear surprised. She looked greatly surprised at my remark Her father did not seem at all surprised. We were surprised to see Adityas picture in the newspaper.
Collocating with adjectives Collocating with verbs Spoken great, total, slight, some, mock, real express, show, hide, cause His coming was a great surprise. His eyebrows rose in mock surprise. She was quick to hide her surprise. What a surprise! God Heavens! Really! What? Tell me.
Surprised as Verb Surprised as Noun Surprised as Adjective Tinas reaction surprised me. (He hadnt realize that she was so upset) I didnt think Id get the scholarship, so it came as a surprise when they offered it to me The singers death took everyone by surprise. A surprising number of children leave school to earn a living. It is surprising that so few people came to the party.
You meet a cousin who you havent seen for a very long time. You: Good heavens! I havent seen you for ages. Cousin: Yes, what a surprise, seeing you here. Its years since I last saw you! You: Really? By the way, how are you? Cousin: Im great. What are you doing here? You: Im looking for my friend. You wont believe this, but Im going to study in Japan next year. Cousin: Oh! No way! How could you get it?
You: I have got a scholarship from my school. Cousin: Thats really surprised me how clever you are! You: Ah, thats my friend on the stairs. Sorry, I have to go now. Cousin : Well, let me see you again next time. You : Alright, I hope so.
A: Surprise! Happy Birthday! Oh My God! B: Oh My God!
Introducing Surprising news Responding to Surprising news Guess what!What is that? Surprise!Oh my God! I have got news for you!What? Tell me. Do you know what?Whats up? Youd better sit down!No way! You wont believe this, but…Goodness! Are you serious? You must be joking! Im serious. Youre kidding!No, Im not.
A: Guess what! What is that? B: What is that?
A: I have got news for you! What? Tell me. B: What? Tell me.
A: Do you know what? Whats up? B: Whats up?
A: Youd better sit down! No Way! B: No Way!
A: You wont believe this! Goodness! B: Goodness!
A: Are you serious? You must be joking! Im serious. B: Im serious.
A: Youre kidding! No, Im not! B: No, Im not!
Do you have any questions?
What have we learnt today?
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