Bell Quiz Unit 1 #1 Find Bell Quiz #1 Carefully read the questions and then find the best answer. Yes, you may write on this This is a QUIET first 5 minutes of class. I will take roll during this time. Yes, you may use your study guide, but NOT your neighbor. You will help me correct this so be prepared with the correct answers. Keep this Bell Quiz the ENTIRE SEMESTER
Rest in Peace: The I Can’t Funeral”
The “I Can’t” Eulogy The decision you make to love yourself Join hands and bow your heads as we remember its remains….. Friends, we gather today to honor the memory of ‘I Can’t’. While he was with us in our minds, he touched the lives of everyone, some more than others. His name unfortunately, has been spoken in every public building – schools, city halls, state capitols, and yes, even the White House. We have provided ‘I Can’t’ with a final resting place and a headstone that contains his epitaph. He is survived by his brothers and sister, ‘I Can’, ‘I Will’, and I’m Going to Right Away.’ They are not as well known as their famous sibling and are certainly not as strong and powerful yet. Perhaps now with ‘I Can’t’ gone, and with your help, they will make an even bigger mark on the world. May ‘I Can’t rest in peace and may everyone present forget him, pick up their lives, and move forward in his absence. “ The decision you make to love yourself Is the most important decision you Will ever make.
Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication A. “WOO - HOO!!!” B. Face & look at the person next to you. One is “A” and the other is “B”. “A” says to “B”: “You are absolutely, undeniably a remarkable person/student/etc”. “B” responds with “Thank you”. Reverse it: But “B” puts on an attitude with it and says: “You are absolutely, undeniably a remarkable person, etc.”. “A” responds with: “You got that right honey”!
2. Positive and Negative Interactions
For each picture, match the number with the occupation. 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 5 Airline Pilot, Automobile Mechanic, Dental Hygienist, Firefighter, Machinist, Salon Owner, School Teacher, Security Guard.
Dental Hygienist Machinist Airline Pilot Salon Owner Firefighter 1 5 Machinist Airline Pilot 2 6 Salon Owner Firefighter 3 7 Security Guard School Teacher 4 8 Auto Mechanic
LABELING and STEREOTYPING The only “DUM-DUM’S” are the SUCKERS on a stick What are these labels based on? What are the effects of labeling and stereotyping? People often adopt the characteristics of the label The effects of it can last a lifetime The growth of their self-concept is usually slowed First impressions are not a great indication of who the person really is. “Don’t judge a book by its cover”
When it comes to labels or other Negative Interactions…….. “No one can Make you feel inferior without your consent.” Eleanor Roosevelt
3. Self-Perception
You become that which you Think about most. circle it
What does all of this have to do with me? How does self-concept relate to the perception of your strengths and weaknesses? Your self-concept influences how strong you are or how weak you are! Circle It + -
Tips for building Self Esteem Associate with people, books, videos, television shows, etc., that build your self-concept Build others up – give sincere compliments often Think positively and focus on the positives Set and achieve goals Do something challenging each day Look your best Eat correctly Do something for someone else Learn a new skill “Act as if” you possess traits you would like to have Observe self-confident people – find a great role model. Handle things one at a time Use criticism constructively and keep it to a minimum. Ask for help – take advantage of learning opportunities Improve your personal living space Allow personal growth time each day Post self-improvement reminders in obvious places Do not say negative things about yourself Reward yourself often List your accomplishments each evening Volunteer to share your skills with others Groups think of 3 Pos Affirmations
Accept yourself: Stop worrying about the things you can’t change Accept yourself: Stop worrying about the things you can’t change. Be more accepting of others and the things they can’t change. Try not to compare with others. It’s unfair. You may compare their strengths with your weaknesses. Judge yourself in terms of your own growth Whatever you are doing, Love yourself for doing it. Whatever you are feeling, Love yourself for feeling it. Thadeus Golas
Have Realistic Expectations –We expect too much from ourselves. Perfection is not possible but bettering our-self should be a lifetime goal. -We are surrounded by people who appear to be perfect at everything and have everything. These are good to look at but, they have their problems too.
Emphasize your strengths. Change what can be changed. Some things change fast, others gradual, and others never. There are things we inherit and can’t change, but we can always change our attitude about them. Try new experiences.
Watch the Words What If………. (limits you) So What……… (strengthens you) What if somebody sees me? So What……… (strengthens you) So what if somebody sees me. I Can’t…….. (limits you) I can’t pass my math test. I Can, I Will, I’m Going to Right Away! (strengthens you) There are two different people in the world. One that says “I wish I had” and the one that says “I’m glad I did”. Remember you can have anything in this world if you just believe in yourself.
Who you spend your time with…. List of best friends Would you take better care of yourself? Would you be kinder to yourself? Would you be more forgiving of your human imperfections? If you realized your best friend was yourself? Who is always with you everywhere? Who is on your side when others are unfair? And tell me, who will never let you down in any situation? Who will always see you get your share? And that’s why I’m a best friend to myself. And I take me out whenever I feel low. And I make my life as happy as a best friend would I’m as nice to me as anyone I know! If friends build you – keep them If they destroy you – dump them
How is Self-Concept Destroyed? How is it NOT Built & Preserved? DO THE OPPOSITE OF ALL OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED LIKE….. Comparing yourself to others Putting yourself down Putting Others down Drug and Alcohol abuse Speaking Negatively Your 2 Boosters and Busters?
Journal #2 and this assignment