World War II in Europe
Germany Adolf Hitler was the dictator of Nazi Germany. In 1938, he merged Austria with Germany. Next, Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia after reminding the public that prior to World War I, it had belonged to Germany. Hitler, who wanted to control all of Europe, planned to take Poland next. This time Great Britain and France warned him that they would fight back, but Hitler did not believe them.
World War II Begins On September 1, 1939, Hitler invaded Poland and World War II began. On one side was the Axis powers consisting of Germany, Italy, and Japan. On the other side were the allies of Great Britain and France. Soon other nations, such as Canada and Australia, joined the Allies.
German Tactics German planes dropped bombs on an area and then their tanks moved in. This was called blitzkrieg. This caught the British and French by surprise. The Germans began bombing British aircraft factories and airfields. The Allies were on the run. France had to surrender. Hitler realized that only Great Britain stood in his way of ruling Europe.
The Battle of Britain Night after night German aircraft bombed British cities. Intense battles took place between German and British planes. More than 40,000 British died. Knowing that they were Europe’s only hope, the British refused to surrender. After more than 3 months of fighting, Hitler knew he had lost the Battle of Britain.
The Holocaust In German-controlled countries, every Jewish person had to wear the Star of David. This made it easier for Hitler’s secret police to round up the Jewish people and move them to ghettos. In the ghettos, food and medicine were scarce, and many people died of starvation or disease.
The Holocaust Hitler told the army to exterminate, or murder, all the Jewish people. They packed them into trains and sent them to concentration camps. Husbands, wives, and children were separated and most of them never saw each other again. Around six million Jewish people died in these horrible camps. This terrible tragedy is called the Holocaust.
The War Continues Hitler invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, after promising not to attack it. Hitler thought the Soviets would give up, but he was wrong. In September 1942, the Nazis attacked the Soviet city of Stalingrad and won. However, the Soviets surrounded the city and trapped the German troops. The tide was turning against the Nazis.
United States Joins the War American soldiers joined the Allies after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 1941 giving Hitler another strong enemy. The Allies had to liberate or free France from Nazi control. In June 1944, tens of thousands of Allies stormed the beaches of Normandy, France. By the end of the first day, the Allies had overwhelmed the Nazis. The Nazis retreated.
Allies Invade Germany Allies sent bomber planes over German cities, putting the German homeland under siege for the first time. Hitler urged elderly men and little boys to defend the capital city of Berlin, but it was hopeless. The Soviets were already there. When Hitler realized this, he committed suicide. The Germans surrendered on May 8, 1945, ending World War II in Europe. However, the war still raged in the Pacific.
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