How to Modify a Requisition Using Owl Link Updated June 18, 2013
Under Requisitions or Cost Center Information Click on View/Modify/Delete Requisitions.
Click on Modify to select the requisition to modify.
To modify a requisition, check the Modify box for the line item that you want to change. If you want to delete the line item from the requisition, check the Delete box. If you want to add line items to the requisition, enter the number of line items you want to add, e.g., 1. Note: You may enter up to 99 items total using Owl Link. If the purchase order contains more than 99 items, please use Colleague Web UI to complete or enter the requisition information. In addition, Owl Link does not store partial information like Colleague Web UI. The requisition must be completed in order for information to be saved.
Enter the desired date, e.g., 05/23/11; and an item description; e.g. , test computer; and the quantity, e.g. 2; the unit of issue, e.g. ,EA Each; and the price, e.g. ,2.00. Enter the desired date, e.g. 05/23/11 and an item description, e.g. test computer, and the quantity, e.g. 2. Select a Unit of Issue from a drop down box, e.g.
Select the appropriate budget code from the Cost Center drop down box and select an object code from the drop down box. Enter an Amount, e.g., 1.00. Click Submit to continue.
If the requisition has been successfully modified and accepted, this message will be displayed. The approver will be sent an email alerting them that a modified requisition needs to be approved. There will also be an E-Mail confirmation sent to the E-Mail address that appears in the Confirmation E-Mail box. Click OK to return to the main menu.
Here is an example of an E-Mail that an approver would receive after a requisition has been modified.
Points to Remember You can only enter 99 line items using Owl Link You will be able to access the requisition using REQM until a purchase order has been created Owl Link sends an E-Mail Confirmation that changes were made