Leadership Answer the following the questions in your reader’s notebook: I consider myself a leader at _________________ because ____________________________________________________________________________________. I don’t consider myself a leader at _____________________________________ because______________________________________________________________. People at _____________________________ consider me a leader because______________________________________________________________. People at ______________________________don’t consider me a leader because_________________________________________________________.
Imagine It is years from now and you are looking at a magazine on the newsstand. The cover shows a successful leader in the world. The person on the cover is you. Create your cover of this magazine using fictional headlines that inspire people. You must include your name and include the profession that you are working in. Make this look like a real magazine.
Concept of Leadership On a piece of construction paper or white paper-draw a concept map to show what you understand about leadership. You will draw a circle in the middle of the page and write leadership in the circle. Then you will draw lines coming out of the circle with the different labels of what you understand about leadership.
What is leadership?
Activity Get into groups of three or four and make a list of many people in today’s society that you know are great leaders Discuss why you feel they are great leaders. What qualities do they have that makes them leaders?
Videos on Leadership https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fw1CcxCUgg http://play.simpletruths.com/movie/great-quotes-from-great-leaders/ While viewing these videos, take note of the things that are said and displayed. Your exit ticket is to share what you learn from viewing these videos. In addition to that, think of yourself as a leader, what qualities do you have? What qualities do you want to have? What makes a good leader?
Mini-Leadership Project Choose 1 leader (past or present) Do a short bio on this person (where they were born, challenges they face, what they are known for, how they contributed to society, death (if applicable) and 2 or 3 additional facts you want to add about them. Compare this leader to you and your leadership style-do (or did) they share your ambition? What differences do you have? What similarities do you share? Do you think you could have followed this leader? Add 1 or 2 things you want to share about how this leader compares to you. Conclusion-what did you learn about this person? What are some things you want to implement in your leadership style that you saw that this person has or had? Bibliography