HALLUCINATIONS Def.: false perceptions with no external stimulation Created by Sensory deprivation brain creates own stimulation if not enough in the environment (imaginary friends, seclusion, solitary confinement) Or too much stimulation causes it (schizophrenia)
HALLUCINATIONS & DRUGS LSD, alcohol, opium, caffeine, etc can create psychoactive hallucinations Impairs judgment & emotion-based brain mechanisms Most widely abused: marijuana, cocaine, heroin, & amphetamines
PSYCHOACTIVE DRUG CATEGORIES (1) HALLUCINOGENS/ PSYCHEDELICS: ex, PCP (“angel dust”) user feels disembodied & insensitive to pain; Shrooms; LSD ; Marijuana
PSYCHOACTIVE DRUG CATEGORIES (2) OPIATES: highly addictive drugs; suppress sensation & response to stimulation Morphine & codeine: pain-relieving properties like body’s own endorphins Heroin is made from morphine & 1st developed by Bayer Co. rush of euphoria & addiction starts from 1st use!!
PSYCHOACTIVE DRUG CATEGORIES (3) DEPRESSANTS: slow down mental & physical activity by inhibiting CNS Barbiturates, anti-anxiety meds, & alcohol all actually reduce REM-sleep, so still tired despite full nights rest! Overdoses cause loss of all sensations, coma, or death Alcohol one of 1st psychoactive drugs used by humans now 1 in 10 Americans suffer from alcoholism
PSYCHOACTIVE DRUG CATEGORIES (4) STIMULANTS: speed up mental & physical rates of activity & increases CNS activity Used for ADHD & narcolepsy Cocaine users want higher pleasure sensations & greater energy and awareness; heavy users experience hallucinations
Natural Stimulants
BUT ARE THEY DRUGS? Physiological Dependence: process by which the body adjusts to, and becomes dependent on, a drug Two other stimulants: caffeine & nicotine…do you think they are drugs??