RE Autumn: What does it mean to belong? How and why do we celebrate special times? Spring: Who is an inspiring person? Summer: Who is Jewish and what do they believe? Music Autumn: songs and chants Spring: play tuned and un-tuned instruments musically. Summer: listen to live and recorded music Art/ DT Autumn: art and design techniques, Spring: design and make products Summer: sculptures, craft makers and designers. PSHE Autumn: Health and Wellbeing. Spring: Relationships Summer: Living in the Wider World. PE Autumn: Gymnastics, Multi-skills, curriculum dance. Spring: gymnastics, net & wall, dance, invasion games. Summer: striking & fielding, orienteering, athletics. Key Stage One Moon Class Year A 2017-18 Topics Autumn: Ourselves, Colour Spring: Once upon a time, Gardener’s World Summer: Africa, The Seaside Geography Autumn: compass directions, human and physical features, fieldwork skills. Spring: weather patterns. Summer: name continents and oceans, compare Europe with a non European country, study the United Kingdom. Computing Autumn: staying safe, algorithms. Spring: store and retrieve digital content, create and debug programs. Summer: information technology beyond school, simple programming. History Autumn: changes within living memory, events beyond living memory. Spring: significant individuals- Florence Nightingale. Science Autumn: the human body, animals and habitats, materials. Spring: seasons, plants. Summer: animals, habitats and food chains, materials,
RE Autumn: How do we show we care for others? How and why do we celebrate special times? Spring: Who is a Muslim and what do they believe? Summer: Who is an inspiring person? Who is a Christian and what do they believe? Music Autumn: songs and chants Spring: play tuned and un-tuned instruments musically, rhythms. Summer: listen to live and recorded music, combine sounds. Art/ DT Autumn: art and design techniques, Spring: design and make products Summer: sculptures, craft makers and designers. PSHE Autumn: Health and Wellbeing. Spring: Relationships Summer: Living in the Wider World. PE Autumn: Gymnastics, Multi-skills, curriculum dance. Spring: gymnastics, net & wall, dance, invasion games. Summer: striking & fielding, orienteering, athletics. Key Stage One Moon Class Year B 2018-19 Topics Autumn: Superheroes, Celebrations. Spring: Author Study, Castles. Summer: Great Britain, Our World Geography Autumn: compass directions, human and physical features, fieldwork skills. Spring: weather patterns. Summer: maps, name continents and oceans, compare Europe with a non European country, study the United Kingdom. Computing Autumn: staying safe, algorithms. Spring: store and retrieve digital content, create and debug programs. Summer: information technology beyond school, simple programming. History Autumn: significant people, events and places in the locality, changes within living memory. Spring: show an awareness of the past. Summer: significant individuals- Neil Armstong. Science Autumn: the human body, animals and habitats, materials. Spring: seasons, plants. Summer: animals, habitats and food chains, materials.
Eversholt Lower School KS1 Literacy Coverage (all spoken language and reading addressed each half term) Year A 2017-18 Year B 2018-19 Term Year 1 Year 2 Autumn 1 Spaces Hold pencil correctly Form letters and digits correctly Spell days of the week Say aloud what they are going to write about Spell words containing phonemes taught Begin to spell Year 1 Common Exception words Spell by segmenting words into phonemes Learning new ways of spelling phonemes Spell a few homophones Begin to spell Year 2 Common Exception words Start to use diagonal strokes in handwriting Use expanded nouns to describe Develop positive attitudes to writing narratives Autumn 2 Write simple sentences from memory Form letters by starting and finishing in the correct place Join words and clauses using ‘and’ Spell further words containing phonemes taught Learn to spell words with contracted forms Learn to use the possessive apostrophe Ensure handwriting is of the correct size, orientation and relationship to one another Begin to write poetry Distinguish between homophones and near-homophones Spring 1 Sequence sentences to form narratives Discuss what they have written Read their writing aloud and clear Use a capital letter for names of people, place, days of the week and the pronoun ‘I’ Learn to spell more words with contracted forms Become increasingly familiar with a range of fairy stories and traditional tales Write narratives about personal experiences Consider what they are going to write before beginning by planning or saying aloud what they are going to write about Develop positive attitudes for writing Write from memory simple sentences Develop positive attitudes towards writing
Spring 2 Sequence sentences to form narratives Discuss what they have written Read their writing aloud and clear Use a capital letter for names of people, place, days of the week and the pronoun ‘I’ Spell further words containing phonemes taught Begin to spell Year 1 Common Exception words Add suffixes to spell longer words Consider what they are going to write before beginning by planning or saying aloud what they are going to write about Develop positive attitudes for writing Encapsulate what they want to say, sentence by sentence Expanded noun phrases Become increasingly familiar with a range of fairy stories and traditional tales Summer 1 Plural and singular spelling rules Use the prefix ‘un’ Understand which letters belong to which handwriting ‘families’ Begin to spell Year 1 Common Exception word Write for different purposes Use exclamation marks, question marks, commas for lists Use connectives when, if, that, or, because, but Use sentences with different forms- statements, questions, exclamations, commands Write about real events Present and past tense Summer 2 Narratives Read aloud to their peers Make simple additions and corrections to their writing Past and present tense Read aloud with correct intonation and meaning