Chapter 4: Animal Growth and Heredity Module Chapter 4: Animal Growth and Heredity Teacher Imarlys Cajigas 5th grade Science 2010-2011
Lesson 2: Animal Adaptations
Animal Adaptations Adaptations are physical features or behaviors that living things develop over a long time passing from generation to generation. Might make it easier to live in a place that is hot, cold, dry, or wet. It helps the organism mate, find shelter, reproduce, hunt, and hide.
Example of Adaptation The shape of an animal’s teeth is related to its diet. Herbivores, such as deer, have many molars for chewing tough grass and plants. Carnivores, such as lions, have sharp canines to kill and tear meat.
Kinds of Adaptations There are three kinds of adaptations: Physical Adaptation Thick fur, colors, sharp claws. Behavior Migration, burrowing on the ground Life Processes Sweating, snake’s venom.
Who experiences adaptations? All species have experienced adaptation and will continue to slowly adapt as the next generations are born. We will identify certain species from each of these groups and the reasons for their success: Mammals Birds Reptiles Amphibians
Tigers Tigers are warm-blooded and can live in either very hot or cold habitats. They are striped to help them hide when they stalk their prey. They have powerful teeth and jaws to kill large prey.
Ducks Ducks have two kinds of feathers. Flight feathers help them fly and eider helps keep them warm. Ducks have flat feet to help them swim in the water. Oily feathers keep them waterproof.
Frogs have sticky tongues to catch flies and other insects Large suction cups on feet help the frog climb trees and grass. Strong legs help the frog leap out of danger. Red-eye tree frog
Turtle The turtle has a strong shell to protect itself from predators. Turtles have scales to hold in water during droughts. Turtles lay their eggs on land but may live in the water.
Shark Zebra sharks have many sharp teeth to catch prey. Shark Zebra sharks have many sharp teeth to catch prey. They have powerful tails to help them swim fast. They are camouflaged to hide while they wait for food.
Survival and Reproduction rattle snake venom and rattle. Examples: porcupine’s sharp quills. armadillo’s outer shell. How living things become adapted to their environments? An organism with a specific trait survive and reproduce, passing the traits onto their offspring. How often animals reproduce, the length of pregnancy, and how many offspring they have are adaptations.
What other factors affect Characteristics? Lesson 3: What other factors affect Characteristics?
Instincts Is a behavior that an organism inherits such as, eating and sleeping, building shelter, caring for young, finding food.
Learned Behavior Is a behavior an animal acquires through experience. For example: hunting, pitch and loudness of crying, walk, mimic.
Environmental Influence Is everything in its surroundings that affects it, including water, soil, air, weather, landforms, and other living things. Sometimes changes forces animals to change their behavior. Animals may learn to eat different food, live in different places , cause physical changes or change the organism’s DNA.