Review of FOLDED SELF-MAILER DMM Standards Required Jan 05, 2013


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Presentation transcript:

Review of FOLDED SELF-MAILER DMM Standards Required Jan 05, 2013 Welcome to the presentation covering the revised standards for Folded Self-Mailer (FSM) letters. This presentation provides a brief background of the FSM study process, the reason for revising mailing standards, and a review of the standards which will be required on January 05, 2013. We do however encourage and allow mailers to begin utilizing these revised standards immediately. Before we begin, let me clarify that these revised standards apply to Folded Self-Mailer and two unenveloped style letters only. Enveloped letters, postcards, letter-cards, letter-size booklets and flat size mailpiece standards are not included with or impacted by these revised standards. The DMM will be updated upon the effective date Jan 05, 2013 with the revised standards that were published in the Federal Register (FR) as final rules on December 01, 2011. In addition to the FR document, we have developed supporting reference material to provide summarized information and helpful illustrations of FSM letter attributes. This reference material along with a copy of the FR Final Rule and this presentation is available on the FSM home page located on RIBBS. We will explain how to access this information later in the presentation. With that, thank you for your time and attendance. We hope you find this material helpful. Let’s begin. Presentation posted on the RIBBS / FSM home page

Letter mail mix shifting Why Revise Standards? Letter mail mix shifting Booklets and folded self-mailer volume growing Creativity of elements / designs outpacing DMM Appeals to PCSC for exceptions are increasing Operational implications Do not behave like envelopes in automation Damage and jam rates higher, thruput is lower Diversion to flat sorters or manual operation is costly Observation and surveys coincide with formal studies that state the mail mix is changing. - First-Class Mail is steadily declining while Standard Mail shows a modest increase. - Letter-size Booklet and Folded Self-Mailer formats are increasing in popularity as advertising mail. Advanced technology has enabled mailers to expand their capability to be more creative in the design of unenveloped letters. These creative mailpiece designs outpaced DMM automation letter standards; particularly with Folded Self-Mailers that often incorporate a variety of optional design elements. As a result, Mail Entry sites have difficulty in classifying some mailpieces which has led to increased appeals to the Pricing & Classification Service Center (PCSC) for rulings or exceptions. Classification exceptions are not the answer; the process is time-consuming and can create an unlevel playing field and unfair competitive advantage for customers. As a general rule, envelopes are more efficient to handle because they are enclosed on all sides. If not constructed sufficiently, FSMs will incur higher damage rates, create more jams in letter sorters, and result in a much lower machine thruput rate. Additionally, when FSMs cannot meet the rigors of processing on letter sorters, they are diverted to flat or manual sort operations. This diversion results in higher handling costs and potential loss of visibility for mailpieces. The revised standards effective Jan 05, 2013 close the current gap and therefore provide more creative freedom and also provide a better balance between design innovation & machinability. Need balance between innovation & machinability Mailers want options for design creativity and clear standards

Mutual Benefit to New Standards Why Revise Standards? Mutual Benefit to New Standards Introduce more mailing options Reduce confusion, discrepancy and delay of local rulings Reduce time / cost both parties spend on the appeal process Enable smoother transition for getting new formats into mail Reduce diversion to manual or flat operation Contain costs by increasing efficiency Everyone understands that increasing efficiency can prevent problems and help contain the costs of doing business together. Having standards that account for the current and potential mail mix will be mutually beneficial for several reasons. These standards introduce more options and level the playing field for all as the absence of rules could prevent some mailers from developing potential acceptable designs. Additionally, the revised standards will reduce confusion and discrepancy at the local level and therefore reduce the timeline for getting pieces from the creative department to the mailstream. The revised standards are intended to improve and ensure machine capability so pieces stay in letter automation vs being diverted to more costly manual and flat operation handling.

What We Want to Avoid Operationally, FSMs present many of the same challenges letter-size booklets do. As mentioned previously, if not constructed well FSMs cannot withstand the rigors of high-speed letter automation. These pictures represent what the revised standards are intended to avoid. Mailpiece damage can be subjective, some cosmetic damage such as scuffs and abrasions are not a major issue for some mailers but others are very concerned about the appearance of mailpieces their customers receive. However, when damage becomes more extensive there are other consequences beyond the physical performance and appearance. Extensive damage leads to loss of mailpiece integrity and subsequent jams in letter sort equipment. Machine jams often lead to mailings being diverted from letter sort to more costly flats or manual handling. Damage and diversion can prevent the end-to-end visibility and tracing data used to perform diagnostics that are used for mailing campaigns and service performance. The primary causes of mailpiece damage are rooted in several factors such as, low basis weight paper, insufficient seal or closure method, uneven thickness due to interior attachment or loose enclosures, the orientation of flaps and panels, and die-cuts or perforations in the exterior panels. All of these damaging factors will be reduced when FSMs are constructed using the revised standards.

Folded Self-Mailer study What Did We Do? Folded Self-Mailer study Significant participation from letter mailing industry Over 250k pieces tested Participants were given opportunity to view test Analysis Phase Primary elements Dimension Fold style / orientation Paper basis weight of cover Closure method; tabs, glue line / spots Thickness, total weight, # layers / panels Optional elements Loose inserts secured in pocket Attachments - interior Die-cutout on cover Perforations Similar to the letter-size booklet study, the mailing industry and the Postal Service worked collaboratively to make this Folded Self-Mailer study a success. Because of the complexity involved, mail owners or their representatives participated in testing of their mailpieces. Study participants were also involved in subsequent discussions for development of the revised standards. The primary elements that make up a basic FSM format have been established, and although not the optimal standards indicated in the study, and as originally proposed, the revised rules are intended to better match letter-automation processing and reduce likelihood of damage.

Development of standards What Did We Do? Development of standards Developed initial framework having optimized standards Presented 10 category model to industry participants Discussed potential to streamline, reduce complexity Revised the proposed standards model Begins with standards for a Basic FSM format (no optional elements used) Standards progress based on optional elements used Good news! Revised standards account for all design elements desired After the physical test process was complete, the data for all formats was aggregated and reviewed in conjunction with the physical mailpieces to begin crafting potential standards. Because of the significant variation of potential finished mailpiece designs, the task of developing sufficient standards was extremely difficult. Balance was needed between the vast combinations of mailpiece design elements, and less complex easy to understand requirements language. Given the vast variation in mailpiece designs, the proposal presented to the study group took months to complete and was the result of several revisions. The proposal enabled effective discussion which led to a new vantage point for crafting the standards. The consensus among the group was to begin with a “Basic” format which is simply a FSM letter that has none of the optional more complex elements incorporated. The standards then progress to account for heavier pieces and/or more complicated designs which incorporate optional design elements. This collaborative effort was very beneficial in crafting the Federal Register Final rules. The rule provides adequate standards for machinability, flexibility for design options, and gives mailers over a year from publication date to adjust their business needs, if necessary, to meet the revised requirements. Good news, “Nothing was fenced out!” and the enhancement of optional design elements have also been accounted for in the revised standards, offering even more creative options!

Existing vs. New Standards Will Revised Standards Make a Difference? Existing vs. New Standards Top group shows condition of pieces when using existing requirements 60lb paper with one tab at top center Bottom group shows condition of pieces when using revised requirements 70lb paper with two tabs at top A common and legitimate question is whether all of this time and effort will provide the desired outcome. The simple answer is yes! To validate this, we built simple test decks. One was built using the current DMM standards for a basic FSM format. The other test deck was the same fold style, but with the minimum paper basis weight of 70lb Book grade paper and sealed with two tabs as the revised standards require. As you can see, there is a clear difference in the condition of pieces in the top group which were mailed using the current standards. The test proves that modifications to the standards can have very positive results, and changes improve the ability for FSMs to endure processing of mailpieces in the automation letter mailstream.

Now, let’s delve into folded self-mailers… Letter Distinction Created clearer delineation in letter types Establishes better distinction from envelopes, other non-envelope style mailpieces and cards Booklets - revised standards in effect Folded self-mailers - standards developed and published Unenveloped letters – new section (DMM 201.3.15) to cover other letter designs such as Forms and Open Sleeve style Clarity for USPS acceptance and industry, creative designers etc PCSC still the avenue to review design compliance questions Now, let’s delve into folded self-mailers… Overall, the new and revised standards should provide clearer delineation among envelopes, non-envelopes and cards. For mailers, the primary benefits of the revised standards are: Allowance of more creative options Reduced damage to mailpieces Increased end-to-end visibility that enables increased data diagnostics

(Basic & Optional Creative Elements) OVERVIEW of FOLDED SELF-MAILER REQUIREMENTS (Basic & Optional Creative Elements) Before we dive deeper into the actual requirements, are there any questions about what we’ve already covered?

Folded Self-Mailer Definition A folded self-mailer is formed of two or more panels created when a single or multiple unbound sheets of paper are folded together and sealed to form a letter-size mailpiece. A folded self-mailer is formed when one or multiple sheets of unbound paper are folded together and sealed to form a letter-size mailpiece. One of the key words in this description is “unbound”. That is the primary factor that differentiates a FSM from a letter-size booklet. Letter-size pieces that contain a “spine” by virtue of staples or glue are no longer considered an FSM and therefore must comply with standards for letter-size booklets as outlined in the current DMM section 201.3.15. In addition to the general mailing characteristics (address, postage, advertising etc) all folded self-mailers in their very basic construction display the following characteristics: one or more sheets of paper, one or more folds, a method to close or seal the mailpiece

Paper basis weight - Book grade (Text, Offset) Basic Design Elements Dimension Height – 3.5” to 6” max Length – 5” to 10.5” max Weight – up to 3oz Paper basis weight - Book grade (Text, Offset) Basic Folded Self-Mailer design 70lb min for 1oz mailpiece; 80lb over 1oz up to 3oz Optional elements added basis weight ranges from 80lb to 120lb basis weight increases when piece weight is over 1oz Newsprint paper allowed on quarter-fold design only 55lb min newsprint paper which correlates to 60lb Book wgt 1.5 inch tabs required Maximum dimensions and weight of FSMs align with those standards for non-enveloped mailpieces, such as letter-size booklets. The minimum paper basis weight for a Basic FSM format is 70lb at the Book grade. When a Basic FSM letter format exceeds 1 ounce weight, the minimum paper basis weight increases to 80lb Book grade. All references to paper basis weight are at Book grade except where newsprint paper is allowed. Please see DMM 201.3.2 for the paper basis weight conversion table. When optional elements are incorporated into the design, the minimum paper basis weight is at least 80lb Book grade but also increases for pieces over 1 ounce total weight. Prior to the DMM being updated with the revised standards, please refer to the Federal Register Final rules language to determine what paper basis weight is required for finished mailpieces having optional elements. FSMs using newsprint are required to be quarter-fold style only and must be minimum 55lb newsprint paper. Quarter-fold with newsprint paper formats also require 1.5” minimum tabs. Forms style mailpieces outlined in the FR final rules DMM section allow 60lb Book grade paper since they are sealed along all four sides.

These are only representative illustrations of potential designs. Basic Design Elements Fold style / orientation – address side view Horizontal - final fold at bottom edge to non-address side Vertical - final fold on lead edge to non-address side Oblong is a common name for this fold style FSM fold patterns will be either horizontal or vertical in relation to the length of the mailpiece. For horizontal folded pieces the final fold is always at the bottom with the final panel folded up to the top on the non-address side. Vertical folded pieces, commonly known as “oblong” have the final fold on the lead edge with the final panel folded from lead to trail edge on the non-address side. These are only representative illustrations of potential designs.

Panels - formed when a sheet(s) of paper are folded Basic Design Elements Panels - formed when a sheet(s) of paper are folded Each folded section of a sheet is a separate panel FSMs have (2) minimum, (12) maximum panels Exception: Qtr-fold using newsprint paper - 8 min, 24 max panels Both sides of panel count as one and the same panel Equal - nearly equal size; varied fold styles with panels of differing sizes, short panels covered by full-size panel(s) Internal partial panels count toward # panels allowed Final fold panel creates non-address side of mailpiece by folding from bottom to top, or lead to trail edge When one or more sheets of paper are folded, sections referred to as panels are formed. Each of these sections is a separate panel. Here are the basic rules for folded self-mailer panels. 1. Both sides of a panel are “one and the same” panel. 2. Panels are equal or nearly equal in size. If panels vary in size, the shorter panels are covered by full size panels. 3. Internal partial or shorter panels count toward the total number of panels allowed. 4. Final panel is folded from bottom to top on the non-address side, or from lead to trail edge on the non-address side of an oblong style mailpiece.

Single sheet of paper folded twice One sheet folded three times Basic Design Elements Panel Count – address side view 3 Panels ( Tri-fold ) Single sheet of paper folded twice 4 Panels Two nested sheets folded once in half One sheet folded three times One sheet quarter-folded perpendicular 2 Panels ( Bi-fold ) Single sheet folded once in half The minimum number of panels in a folded self-mailer is two. This can only be achieved by folding a sheet of paper in half. This fold style is commonly known as a bi-fold although there is really only one fold. It is termed a bi-fold because it creates two panels. Another fold style is commonly known as a tri-fold which actually only has two folds that create three panels. The picture to the right is a horizontal folded tri-fold letter. The final panel must be folded from bottom to top on the non-address side. Tri-folds can also be vertical folds or oblong style; these require the final panel to be folded from lead to trail edge on the non-address side. Four panels can be created several ways. A single sheet quarter-folded will produce four panels as would a single sheet folded in one direction three times. A single sheet could also be folded “gate-style” where both ends are folded into and meet in the center, then folded at the center in half with the first folds on the interior with the finished mailpiece resembling a bi-fold letter. Another method to create a four panel FSM is taking two nested sheets and folding them in half. The maximum number of panels for a FSM is twelve. Fold styles can vary as long as the finished mailpiece panels or flaps comply with the final fold and orientation standards. The exception to the minimum and maximum panel count is for mailpieces made from Newsprint paper which requires the quarter-fold style. By nature of this fold style, four panels is the minimum possible and 24 is the maximum. Additionally, as is commonly used with these type of mailpieces, half page inserts are included in the maximum allowed panel count. …up to 12 panels for most designs

No closer than 1” to bottom edge Basic Design Elements Flap - used for closure of mailpiece on non-address side Horizontal fold letter, external flap is final fold from top edge Vertical fold letter, external flap must be final fold from lead edge Die-cut shape external flaps allowed glue line seal along the contour of the edge recommended glue spots / elongated glue lines or tabs must sufficiently seal the flap to the non-address side panel Horizontal fold No closer than 1” to trail edge Vertical fold No closer than 1” to bottom edge 1.5” min flap 5” min flap Die-cut Flaps are optional. They can be internal or external and are almost always incorporated into the closure method. Like panels, there are specific standards for the size and orientation of external flaps that are intended to prevent damage or opening of letters in automation letter sorters. External flaps on pieces with horizontal folds must be folded from top down on the non-address side. Flaps must be at least 1.5” long as measured at the longest point, but cannot extend any closer than 1” from the bottom edge. Similar to panels, external flaps on vertical folded pieces are folded from the lead edge toward the trail edge. These flaps must be at least 5” long as measured at the longest point but cannot be any closer than 1” from the trail edge. That minimum length is needed to prevent snags when other pieces enter the machine stacker bin. External flaps may be die-cut shapes, but it is highly recommended these shapes be a rounded, oval or soft line shape. Die-cut flaps must be sufficiently sealed to the non-address side panel to prevent snagging on other mailpieces or sort equipment. We highly recommend the use of a glue-line seal that follows the contour of the die-cut shape to create a solid seal. ( Non-address side view ) Lead Edge on left Trail Edge on right

Closure method - Glue (adhesive or cohesive) Basic Design Elements Closure method - Glue (adhesive or cohesive) Closure method - Tabs (2 or 3 based on mailpiece design) Placed either at Top or Lead / Trail within 1" from adjacent edge(s) lower lead edge tab ½” from bottom Glue Spots 3/8” diameter 3- 4 spots based on mailpiece design / wgt Continuous Glue Line 1/8” W to within 1/4” of each edge Elongated Glue Lines 1/8” W x 1/2” L or 1/4” W x 1/2” L or 1/8” W x 1” L 3- 4 lines based on mailpiece design / wgt There are many closure method options for sealing folded self-mailers. Adhesives, commonly known as glue, tabs or cohesive are acceptable options. A proper closure is very important to ensure the mailpiece maintains physical integrity from transport, to entry, to delivery. Adhesives come in many forms and are applied to one panel or flap which is adhered by the glue to the opposite panel or flap. Cohesive material is not a glue and therefore must be applied to opposing panels that when pressed together, the pressure applied to the two cohesive portions permanently bonds the panels. Continuous glue lines are recommended. If using glue spots, which are round or irregularly shaped, or elongated glue lines which are line segments, a minimum of three are required. Four are required if the piece weight exceeds 1 ounce. The adhesive is placed on the edge opposite the final fold, or on the lead and trail edge for horizontal folded pieces, or along top and bottom of oblong pieces. The outer two spots or elongated glue lines are placed within ¼” of the edges, the third and fourth placed in line with the outer ones and are spaced evenly across the remaining space. Tabs can be used but cannot be perforated or placed on the bottom edge. A minimum of two tabs is now required. Three tabs may be required when the total weight is over 1 ounce and/or optional design elements are incorporated. Basic style FSMs under 1 oz only require two 1” tabs. There are options available for tab placement. Both tabs can be placed along the edge opposite the final fold, so both can be placed at the top, or on trail edge of an oblong style FSM. For horizontal folded pieces, tab placement can also be one on the lead and the other on the trail edge, both within 1” from top. If a third tab is required, it must be placed on the lead edge within ½” from bottom. In creating even more alternatives to meet mailer needs, two 2” tabs may be used in lieu of the three tab closure method. Now let’s look at the more complex optional mailpiece design elements. 1” 1.5” 2”

Quarter-Fold Design Two folds perpendicular create a quarter-fold mailpiece Folds must be at the lead and bottom edge Single layer attachment or reply envelope allowed within Paper basis wgt – 70lb min, 80lb if over 1oz. Newsprint requires 55lb min which correlates to 60lb Book wgt Reply Envelope inserted within fold Although the quarter-fold style can be used on a Basic FSM, it is considered with the optional element category because it allows the option to use Newsprint paper, and can also contain an internal attachment or reply mail envelope. The quarter-fold style requires the first fold on the lead and the final fold on the bottom edge. The minimum number of panels possible with this fold style is four and the maximum number allowed is twelve, except for pieces constructed with 55lb minimum newsprint paper. When newsprint is used, up to 24 panels are allowed to provide more rigidity. A common practice is to utilize half page inserts. If used, these are included in the count of total panels allowed. We highly recommend not using raw newsprint paper. Additionally, when using newsprint paper, the minimum tab size is 1.5” and three tabs are required for pieces over one ounce. Quarter-fold pieces may also contain a one layer interior attachment or a reply mail envelope attached to an interior panel or placed for containment within the fold of the mailpiece. Attachment These are only representative illustrations of potential designs.

Interior Attachment or Loose Enclosures Max thickness of attachments and/or loose enclosures is: .05” - mailpiece wgt under 1oz .09” - mailpiece wgt over 1oz Attachments must be secured on panel 1/2” from edges Loose enclosures must be made of paper and remain secure in pocket or other containment method; pocket does not count as a panel Paper basis wgt is 80lb min; 100lb if piece exceeds 1oz Interior attachments and loose enclosures have become very popular elements utilized in FSM pieces. The revised standards are intended to account for the design; and ensure these elements remain intact, and to maintain uniform thickness of mailpieces. The maximum thickness allowed for attachments and/or loose enclosures is .05” for pieces up to one ounce total weight and .09” for pieces exceeding one ounce. Attachments can be single or multi-layered, but must be adhered to an interior panel at least 1/2” from all edges. Multiple attachments are allowed if the clearance from edges and thickness standards are met. Loose enclosures must be made of paper and are contained within a pocket or contained by some other method that provides stability within the mailpiece and also prevents excessive shift. The pocket does not count toward the number of panels allowed. When these optional elements are used, the minimum paper basis weight required is 80lb for pieces under one ounce total weight, 100lb when the mailpiece exceeds one ounce. These are only representative illustrations of potential designs.

Internal attachments (must be secured to panel) Multiple attachments must be nearly uniform in thickness When multiple attachments are secured on separate panels, combined thickness is applied to maximum allowed if those attachments align stacked. Where multiple attachments are placed adjacent across panel(s), thickest attachment applies to maximum allowed Internal attachments aligned stacked To ensure efficient handling of mailpieces in automation equipment, it is important that they are uniformly thick. When pieces are not uniformly thick, they incur higher levels of damage, jams and diversion to more costly manual or flat sorter operations. Since attachments may vary slightly in thickness and multiple attachments are allowed, it is important to ensure placement does not result in mailpieces that are not uniform in thickness. When multiple attachments are secured on separate panels and the result is a stacked orientation, the combined thickness counts toward the maximum allowed. The same criteria applies when a combination of attachments and loose enclosures are used. Maximum thickness for attachments is .05” for mailpieces under one ounce or .09” when the mailpiece exceeds one ounce. If multiple attachments are applied to the same panel, or among panels but adjacent to one another, the thickest attachment applies to the maximum thickness allowed. For clarity, standards for external attachments have not changed, the illustrations on the slide pertain to internal attachments to folded self-mailers. Internal attachments aligned adjacent

Perf Options on Non-Address Side Panel Pop-Open Pane - three sides perforated Pop-Out Pane - full perimeter perforation Panes placed 1” from edges and other panes 4” max for height, length, diameter Circle, oval, rectangle or square shape Pull-Open Strip – Horizontal Placed at least 1” from top Dual lines placed ½” to 1” apart Pull-Open Strip - Vertical Placed at least 5” from lead, 2” from trail edge Paper basis wgt -100lb if under 1oz, 120lb if over Perforation elements are only allowed on the non-address panel. Perforation elements may be utilized on interior panels but these standards are not applicable to those elements on interior panels. When cuts are made into the exterior panels of an FSM, it increases the potential for mailpiece damage or machine jams. Proper placement and cut-to-tie ratio for perforations are important factors to enduring the rigors of processing on letter automation. The cut-to-tie ratio for perforation elements is 1mm Cut (max) to1mm Tie (min) to prevent premature breakage of perforation ties. There are varying types of perforation elements that can be utilized on the non-address panel. Pop-Open Panes are perforated along three sides and are designed to be swung open like a window to reveal information behind this pane. Pop-Out Panes are like the Pop-Open Panes but the fourth side is also perforated so that the entire pane can be removed from the panel. The recommended shape for these panes is circular or oval, but square or rectangle is also allowed. Multiple panes can be applied, but must be placed 1” from edges and other panes. Panes cannot exceed 4” in height, length or diameter. Pull-Open strips can also be utilized on the non-address panel when compliant with placement and cut-to-tie standards. Vertical Pull-Open strips must be at least 5” from lead edge and 2” from trail edge. Horizontal Pull-Open strips must be at least 1” from top; if dual strips are used they must be placed ½” to 1’ apart. Pull-open strip may be incorporated in a flap. Placement area -5” from Lead to 2” from Trail edge 1” from Top edge; dual lines spaced .5” to 1” apart POP-OPEN PANE(S)

Die-Cutout on External Panel Up to two die-cutout holes can be placed in address or the non-address side panel No “through-holes” allowed Size: Circular or Oval - 2” max Rectangular - 1.5” x 2” max ¼” radius corners Placement: 1.5” from all edges 5” from lead edge on non-address side Thumb-notch: ½” max semi-circular die-cut at trail edge of address or non-address panel Paper basis wgt: 100lb min under 1oz, 120 if over Similar to perforations, die-cut holes in the external panels increase the potential for mailpiece damage and jams, so size placement and shape are important factors to a mailpiece's ability to withstand letter automation processing. Up to two die-cut holes can be incorporated into the external panels of the mailpiece. There are no restrictions to those placed on internal panels. Two die-cut holes can be placed in the same panel or one in the address panel and another in the non-address panel. If two are placed in opposing panels of a bi-fold FSM, they cannot be aligned so that a “through-hole” is created. Die-cut holes can be circular or oval up to 2” diameter; these are the recommended shapes. They can also be rectangular with a max size of 1.5”H x 2”L, but must have ¼” radius corners to prevent tearing. Die-cut holes must be placed at least 1.5” from all edges and other die-cut when two are used. If placed in the non-address panel, the die-cut hole must be at least 5” from the lead edge and 1.5” from all other edges. A ½” maximum semi-circular thumb-notch can also be placed on the trail edge of either the address or non-address panel.

UNENVELOPED MAILPIECES DMM 201.3.15 Effective January 05, 2013 Some letter mailpiece designs do not fit into one of the letter type categories of Envelope, Letter-Card, Letter-Booklet, or Folded Self-Mailer. The DMM language in 201.3.1 states this about these type of mailpieces: “Unless prepared as a folded self-mailer, booklet, or postcard under 3.14 through 3.16, each machinable or automation letter must be a sealed envelope (the preferred method) or, if unenveloped, must be sealed or glued completely along all four sides.” To add clarity and account for specific unenveloped designs, we are adding standards for two unenveloped letter types. When the DMM is updated in Jan 2013, section 201.3.15 will be re-titled “Other Unenveloped Mailpieces” to incorporate the additional formats. Additionally, the current DMM sections 201.3.15 – 17 will not change but will shift to 201.3.16-18. Let’s take a look at the two mailpieces covered in the new section titled “Other Unenveloped Mailpieces”.

“Open-Sleeve” Style Letter Symmetrical panels joined together to form an Open-Sleeve style letter Panels sealed along top and bottom edge using a 1/8”W continuous glue line Optional inner flaps Optional elements incorporated must comply with standards in Paper basis weight minimum is 80lb, but must meet required basis weight for any optional element used according to DMM This is the first of two unenveloped letters covered in section 201.3.15. This piece is named “Open-Sleeve Letter” which seems to be a good description of the finished design. This letter consists of two panels that are bonded together with a 1/8” wide continuous glue line along the top and bottom edge to form a sleeve. The lead and trail edges are not sealed but an option for this design is to have inner flaps on one or both panels that are sealed to the opposite panel. If inner flaps are used, they must be adhered at the lead and trail edge to the panel from which the flap is formed. The paper basis weight minimum is 80lb, but is subject to the requirements in to sections 6 through 9 in DMM 201.3.14, if the optional elements are included in this mailpiece. When optional elements are incorporated into this mailpiece, the standards for placement, size, thickness, etc apply. see FR Final language - DMM

Forms - Tear-Off Strip at Lead and/or Trail Edge Perforations are vertical lines no more than 9/16” from lead and/or trail edge Cut-to-Tie ratio: recommended 1 to 1 (minimum); 1 to 2 if piece is over 1oz Complete seal on all unfolded edges May have a perforated horizontal line joining the lead / trail edge perforation Paper basis weight is 60lb; if piece is over one ounce 80lb is recommended This is the second of the two unenveloped letters covered in section 201.3.15. These pieces represent the “Forms” style letters commonly used for important information sent by financial, legal or medical businesses. Because the design is sealed on all four sides, the minimum paper basis weight is 60lb, but 80lb is recommended if piece weight is over one ounce. The format can have a tear-off strip on the lead and/or trail edge. There can also be a horizontal perforated line that spans the gap between, and joins the lead and trail edge tear strip perforations. However, the horizontal perforated line cannot extend beyond the vertical perforation. The cut to tie ratio is recommended to be a 1mm Cut (max) to 1mm Tie (min) for pieces up to one ounce, but a 1 to 2 ratio is recommended for pieces exceeding one ounce total weight. The perforation needs to be sufficiently strong so the tear strips do not prematurely separate during transport, processing and/or manual handling. see FR Final language - DMM

Basic elements Dimension Summary Basic elements Dimension Height: 6” max Length: 10.5” max Weight: up to 3oz max (closure method based on mailpiece weight) Paper Basis Weight: based on design/weight Book grade (Text/Offset) minimum 70lb and higher Newsprint min 55lb; equates to 60lb Book grade quarter-fold design only Closure method options - based on design/weight Continuous glue line or elongated glue lines, glue spots Tabs: 2 or 3 non-perforated tabs Let’s summarize. We walked through the basic and optional elements that comprise the revised FSM standards which are effective on January 05, 2013. There is an enormous variety of ways a FSM letter can be designed. The revised standards could not possibly have accounted for every combination of elements for a finished mailpiece, but they will provide clarity for the majority of attributes and formats used. There are many correlative factors that ultimately determine the capability of unenveloped letters to withstand automation processing. As unenveloped pieces become larger and heavier, the efficiency of processing and the integrity of the mailpiece diminishes. As the base of the mailpiece, sufficient paper weight having a good closure method is vital to machinability. As optional elements are added, and/or weight and thickness increases, both the paper and closure method must be adjusted to adequately account for these variations and ensure the integrity of the mailpiece is maintained through the entire letter mail process. We strived to achieve a balance that allows greater design creativity, but without compromising the integrity and ability of the FSM letter to withstand automation letter processing. Although Final Rules do not reflect what the test data presented as optimal standards in the original model, these revised standards should allow FSM letters to remain in the letter automation mailstream from entry to delivery which will reduce damage, provide visibility and enable data diagnostics. The paper basis weight is represented using Book grade as the standard. 70lb is the minimum except for newsprint paper which is 55lb minimum. Two non-perforated tabs will be the minimum required for FSMs that weigh one ounce or less. When the mailpiece exceeds 1oz total weight, the paper basis weight and number or size of closure method increases. If using adhesive or glue, three spots or elongated glue lines is the minimum needed, but a continuous glue line is recommended for closure. 25

Basic elements Fold style / orientation Summary Basic elements Fold style / orientation Horizontal or vertical (oblong) Panels are formed when sheet(s) of paper are folded Panel is final fold, bottom up to top on non-address side Number of host piece panels determined by design FSMs must have (2) panels min; qtr-fold (4) min Flap (if used) is final fold used in closure of mailpiece External flap is final fold down from top on non-address side or from lead to trail edge Die-cut shape allowed must be sufficiently sealed to panel FSMs have either horizontal or vertical exterior folds. Vertical folded pieces are commonly known as oblongs. Interior folds can vary, but the final fold orientation is what determines whether the mailpiece complies with these standards. When a sheet or nested sheets of paper are folded to create a Folded Self-Mailer, each fold creates panels. The minimum possible panels in a Folded Self-Mailer is two, and the maximum allowed is twelve. The exception is quarter-folded pieces made of newsprint which requires a minimum of eight panels, with a maximum of 24 panels. When pieces are finished with horizontal folds, the final fold is at the bottom with the final panel folded up to the top on the non-address side. When pieces are finished with vertical folds, the final fold is at the lead edge with the final panel folded to the trail edge on the non-address side. When a flap is used for the closure of a horizontal folded mailpiece, it must extend down from the top on the non-address side and be at least 1.5” long but not extend to closer than 1” from the bottom edge. Flaps on vertical folded pieces extend from the lead edge on non-address side and must be at least 5” long but cannot extend to closer than 1” from the trail edge. Die-cut shape flaps can be used, but you must ensure they are sufficiently sealed to the non-address side panel to prevent snagging on other mailpieces or equipment, and also minimize damage and equipment jams. 26

Optional creative elements Summary Optional creative elements Interior attachments / loose enclosures Attachments secured to panel Enclosures in pocket or other style containment method Die-cutout hole(s) - no through holes allowed Placement, size, shape and amount defined Perforation elements: cut-to-tie vary by design / weight Pull-open strip, pop-out or pop-open panes Exterior attachments based on current DMM standards Recommendations only, not required Friction (less than 2.0kv), static (0.26-0.34), coating (vs raw paper) Mailers may choose to incorporate optional design elements to their mailpieces to increase advertising, marketing value and/or response rate. Interior attachments such as tip-in cards or pop-ups must be secured to an internal panel. Loose enclosures must be held within a pocket or some other design element that secures the enclosures within the mailpiece and prevents excessive shift. Die-cut holes and perforations can be incorporated in the design, but caution is needed since any cuts made into the exterior panels of an FSM may cause potential machinability issues. The standards define the minimum number, size, shape, placement and cut-to-tie ratio. Therefore when these optional elements are used, compliance to the standards is essential. Exterior attachment standards have not changed, so please refer to DMM 201.3.13. All letters have some level of static charge and kinetic coefficient of friction. When the level of each is too low or high, it reduces the efficiency of handling and can result in higher rates of damage, double feeds and jams during processing. We recommend static charge to be less than 2.0kv and a kinetic coefficient of friction range between 0.26 to 0.34. Additionally, if using raw or uncoated paper, we recommend address elements be placed in a mid to left position within the optical character reader area as defined in DMM 201.2.1. This is to prevent loss of readability if delamination to lead edge occurs. 27

Folded Self-Mailer Reference Material To assist mailers with the revised FSM standards, we have created a Folded Self-Mailer home page on RIBBS that contains links to Mail Entry sites, Mailpiece Design Analysts as well as “Folded Self-Mailer Reference Material”. This document contains representative illustrations of mailpiece fold patterns and closure methods, and simple supplementary language for the revised standard’s DMM language. There is also a one page “Decision Tree Design Matrix” that depicts an overview of the revised standards for a Basic FSM design and the standards when optional elements are incorporated. Go to the RIBBS home page, click on either the “Site Index A-Z” or the “Site Index By Topic” located near the top. When the index opens, scroll to find the “Folded Self-Mailer” title and click on link to bring up the FSM home page as seen on this slide. To access the Folded Self-Mailer Reference Material document, click on the link in the “Important Links” box as seen circled on this slide, or by clicking on the underlined title located in the body of the text. It is important to note that this document is supplemental information to the official DMM standards language. The DMM language in sections 201.3.14 and 15 should be used to determine whether a FSM letter complies with the published standards when the revised rules are incorporated into the DMM and required in Jan 2013. However, we do encourage you to start using these revised standards immediately. Let’s take a look at the two primary pages from the FSM Reference Material document.

This is a view of the Decision Tree Design Matrix page contained in the FSM Reference Material document. Although you cannot read it here, the text is large enough to read when printed. This matrix provides the outline of the revised standards onto one page. The chart is similar to a mileage chart where the value you need is in the cell where the row and column intersect. The first column beginning with the row titled “paper basis weight” down to the row titled “host piece panels” lists the standard elements applicable to all FSM letters. The first column then continues with the final four rows with information about the optional elements which may be incorporated into a finished mailpiece. The second column highlighted in yellow contains the summarized standards for a Basic FSM design; this is one without an optional design element. The next four columns, highlighted light blue, provide information about the optional elements. The cells that intersect the row for this column provide the summarized standards applicable to the element for that row, or an N/A if not applicable or allowed. The last column reflects the standards for one of the two “Unenveloped” letter formats outlined in the revised DMM section. This column provides information about “Forms” that have the lead and/or trail edge tear-off strips. This column is highlighted in light purple to distinguish it from the other FSM columns. As a reminder, the DMM language found at this time in the Federal Register Final Rule document should be used to determine whether a Folded Self-Mailer or Unenveloped letter complies with the revised standards.

Representative Illustrations of Designs As with the previous slide, this is readable when printed. This is the last page in the FSM Reference Material document. It provides categories of illustrations with examples of fold-style, closure methods and optional elements for FSMs and the two Unenveloped style letters. As stated in the highlighted footnotes on the bottom right, “these illustrations are only intended to visually represent some of the potential variations of fold style or orientation, number of panels, and closure methods. Designs are not restricted to these.” Illustrations numbered 24 to 26 are for the Unenveloped pieces covered in the revised section of DMM 201.3.15.

Published Federal Register proposal - August 13, 2011 Timeline / Activities Published Federal Register proposal - August 13, 2011 Published Federal Register Final rules - Dec 01, 2011 Conduct internal training - ongoing Issue external communications - ongoing DMM standards required effective date – Jan 05, 2013 Visit FSM home page at RIBBS to access documents As mentioned at the beginning of the presentation, the Folded Self-Mailer study was an extraordinary collaborative effort between the Postal Service and the mailing community. The process allowed discussion about common issues and produced effective resolutions and clarity to common concerns to achieve a common goal being – more creative options that align with price claimed. The FR Final Rules and FSM Reference Material documents can be obtained by visiting the FSM home page located on RIBBS at the URL shown on the slide. Our commitment to communicate and collaborate with the mailing industry are ongoing. We continue to provide training to Mailpiece Design Analyst’s, the Pricing & Classification Service Center, and Mail Entry sites so they are better equipped to answer your questions and respond to your design inquiries. To ensure every customer who prepares FSMs and their respective postal employees are aware of the changes, we will publish messaging throughout the coming months leading up to the revised mailing standards required date. When the standards become effective we will issue supplemental publications that contain illustrations, FAQs and other information as reference for mailers, MDAs and acceptance employees. 31

Both links are active on the FSM home page located on RIBBS. Contact for Questions Business Mail Entry (BME) personnel and Mailpiece Design Analysts (MDA) are trained on all aspect of Folded Self-Mailers. To contact your District Business Mail Entry Manager, you can search by using the District Business Mail Entry Locator at or to access an MDA use Both links are active on the FSM home page located on RIBBS. 32