Curiosity Skepticism Humility Scientific Attitude Curiosity Skepticism Humility
Science Curiosity Humility Skepticism
Curiosity A strong desire to know or learn. Human nature Love of knowledge “Wonder”
Why curiosity matters It pushes us to find out. Look over the next hill. You know you want to go in there. You’re curious
Skepticism Doubt that something is true From Pyrrho of Ancient Greece, who travelled to India with Alexander the Great I am a hip hop artist. Believe me? Good; you can be skeptical.
Why skepticism matters Trick or treat
Humility A small view of your own opinions Socrates in Ancient Greece said “I know that I know nothing.”
Why humility is important No problem, Duck. People are often wrong About what is true. Explain it, Rabbit.
Science Curiosity Humility Skepticism