ATTITUDE is everything!
A T T I T U D E is everything! Discussion Session
How’s YOUR attitude?
How do you temper your temper? Displaying anger on the job is highly inappropriate. Remove yourself from the situation until you can rationalize the situation. Say how you feel. Not what so and so did. What good can come out of this conflict.
How do you handle a Put-Down? You could choose to ignore, outwit or simply laugh. If the putdown is a dismissal of your idea, suggestion or request- it calls for an active response. Perhaps the put-downer may not even have been aware that they were dismissing you. Remember if you simply laugh, you are sanctioning what has happened and you are forfeiting your right to be heard.
When do you ‘Blow the Whistle’? What do you do if a co-worker is engaging in questionable or unethical behavior? Do nothing unless you are absolutely sure. If you are 100% sure, your response will depend on the relationship to the person, nature of the offense, and your motivation for whistle blowing. You might tactfully confront the person. Common Sense is your best guide.
How do you avoid Gossip? Office gossip is unprofessional. Try to stay away from situations that are conducive to gossip. You can also change the subject. You can also say,” of Course that if just what we heard” When all else fails, keep quiet and never repeat gossip.
What Do Those Silent Signals Mean? Non-verbal communication can have more of a lasting impact than what a person says. Consider other information, verbal cues and multiple signals to interpret the message. When body motions do not match what a person is saying, emotions are being misrepresented or suppressed.
How Do You Handle Praise? Accept a handshake or a pat on the back. Acknowledge praise with a happy smile. Enjoy the feeling.
How Do You Overcome Personality Conflicts? When you foresee a conflict, try to talk it over with the other party. Try to see the other person’s point of view and emphasize your similarities to play down your differences. Try to make it a win-win situation.
How Do You Learn To Say ‘No’ On The Job? The art of saying no must be practiced. You must refuse graciously and offer an alternative suggestion. Explain your position honestly without hostility or whining. Offer to help on another occasion.
How Do You Say You’re Sorry? Be direct as possible. Offer a way to compensate for what you said or did. Don’t say you’re sorry if you don’t mean it and don’t apologize if you don’t have to.
How Do You Communicate Openly? Invite report and speak in the first person-use we or I. Express your ideas as opinions and not facts. Ask questions and encourage response.
How Do You Soothe The Sting of Criticism? No one likes criticism!! When criticized put off the discussion until you are calm. See your critics viewpoint. Take criticism for what it is worth and nothing more.
How’s Your Attitude? Look at your attitude and you may learn something about yourself. If you think you are second rate you will act that way. Feel that you are capable of being first-rate and demonstrate it to yourself and others by what you say and do. Your thoughts determine what you are!! All leaders and people who have gotten ahead and people who have good jobs, have good attitudes.