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Dr Nadia Maria Vassallo
Active Citizenship Upskilling Work-and-career learning Further qualifications Upskilling or Reskilling Personal development Active Citizenship “Adult learning covers the entire spectrum of what we learn after leaving initial education and training. This includes work- and career-oriented learning, obtaining new qualifications, up-skilling or re-skilling for employment, but also learning for personal development and active citizenship.” http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/events-and-projects/projects/adult-learning
Adult Learning Competitiveness Social Inclusion Challenges attractive inclusive accessible flexible Adult Learning Competitiveness Social Inclusion “Adult learning promotes competitiveness, employability and social inclusion. [ ] But many challenges remain to make it an attractive, inclusive, accessible and flexible learning option.” http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/news-and-press/news/adult-learning-encouraging-developments-potential-benefits-need-be-better
In 2016, the proportion of persons aged 25 to 64 who participated in education or training was 10.8 % Lower Secondary Education Tertiary Level Education 61.3% 21% Persons with a tertiary level education reported the highest participation rates (61.3 % for the EU-27 in 2011), while those having completed at most lower secondary education were the least likely to have participated (21.8 %). It is important to instil the value of education at a young age. The longer learners stay in education the higher is the probability that they will continue to seek learning throughout their life trajectories. http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Adult_learning_statistics
Commonly cited obstacles to participation in education and training 50% no need of training 20.9 % Family responsibilities 18% Conflict with work schedules Commonly cited obstacles to participation in education and training were: no need of training (50.0 %); lack of time due to family responsibilities (20.9 %); and conflict with work schedules (18.0 %).
Give Clear Progression On the job training and flexible programmes of study, blended programmes, flipped classroom are possible options Programmes which are: Accessible Flexible Relevant Recognised Give Clear Progression
Learning Social Individual individual Formal Informal Classroom training, organised group activities, webinars Individual Online courses, distance learning programmes Networking chats online individual Reading blogs, books, surfing and anything where there is no premeditated learning plan Formal Informal There needs to be a more balanced approach to learning with different possible routes, but efforts should be made to recognise innovative approaches and come up with established and agreed upon parameters with quality structures in place that recognition and parity of esteem between the different routes.
Lifelong learning trajectories need to be appreciated and acknowledged so that further engagement lifelong learning is encouraged. “learning does not belong to individual persons, but to the various conversations of which they are a part” McDermott 1999
able to achieve the learning outcomes Engagement Effectiveness able to achieve the learning outcomes Engagement emotional and mental energy learners are willing to expend Efficiency Resources invested in the development and implementation How well learners are able to achieve the learning outcomes for a course The emotional and mental energy that learners are willing to expend during a learning experience Resources invested in the development and implementation of an instructional activity.
Adult learning is self-directed/autonomous actively involved in the learning make choices relevant to their learning objectives assume responsibility for their own choices. be proactive in making decisions and in contributing to the process. Educators, have to facilitate the process of goal-setting.
Adult learning utilises knowledge & life experiences Learners bring to their current placement past knowledge, opinions, and experiences. Educators encourage learners to connect their past experiences with their current knowledge-base and activities.
Adult learning is goal-oriented Learning is characterized as goal-oriented and intended learning outcomes should be clearly identified. Real-life situations, particularly in relation to the specific concerns of the learner are important. Align the learning activities such that these objectives are fulfilled within a certain period of time.
Adult learning is relevancy-oriented relate the assigned tasks to their own learning goals. Activities should directly contribute to achieving their personal learning objectives, to inspire and motivate them to engage in projects and successfully complete them.
Adult learning highlights practicality Help students to apply the theoretical concepts learned inside the classroom into real-life situations. It is very important for educators to identify appropriate ways and convert theoretical learning to practical activities!
Adult learning encourages collaboration Adult learners thrive in collaborative relationships with their educators. When learners are considered by their instructors as colleagues, they become more productive. When their contributions are acknowledged, then they are willing to give their best work.
ROLE of ADULT TEACHERS in SUPPORTING CAREER PLANNING Adult education teachers can support career planning activities through instructional activities and by serving as a source of information. Our vision in supporting their learning should be holistic.
Workplace Analysing and interpreting learning experiences Current accurate information Contacts with workers and work settings Analysing and interpreting learning experiences Provide current and accurate information about their specific occupational field, including opportunities for contacts with workers and work settings. Assist students in analysing and interpreting their learning experiences in terms of the workplace. Hence we need to stay up to scratch with knowledge, skills and competences related to our field of study.
Prepare Learners for employment Assist in identification of occupations Plan and provide instruction that prepares individuals to enter, progress, and transfer among jobs in an occupational field or career cluster. Assist individuals in identifying a wide range of occupations to which their vocational instruction is applicable.
Encourage employers to provide information that will expand awareness of career opportunities (Herr and Cramer, 1979).