CTE PEIMS Coding Steve Neal Educational Specialist for CTE Education Service Center Region 11 October 21st, 2016
Presented by Education Service Center Region 11 An overview . . . Why is this important? The Pieces of the Puzzle CTE PEIMS Coding Decision Charts Other important items: How to determine the correct CTE Intent Code for Students Student Attendance Accounting Handbook V-codes Ensuring that courses are correctly being accounted for PEIMS/TSDS Samples October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
Presented by Education Service Center Region 11 Today’s Resources . . . The Presentation: http://www.esc11.net/ > Programs > Career & Technical Education > CTE PEIMS Coding 10.19.17 The Files: http://www.esc11.net/ > Programs > Career & Technical Education > CTE PEIMS Coding Resources October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
Why is CTE PEIMS Coding important? It affects State and Federal Funding—Weighted Funding and Perkins Funding It’s tied to CTE Accountability—PBMAS It ensures accurate PEIMS codes for CTE classes—C022 Table It’s tied to students’ 4-year plans—Helps to track program growth October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
The PEIMS Circle of Life . . . . Fall Snapshot Date CTE, LEP, SpEd Final Fall Submission Pre-Code File CTE 2’s STAAR EOC Results PBMAS Report & PBMAS Staging Interventions or MOA Visit?
Pieces of the Puzzle: The C022 Table Service ID—Code Table C022 Where to find it: The path: http://www.texasstudentdatasystem.org/ > TEDS Data Standards/TEDS Data Collections > For LEAs Using TSDS + PEIMS > Section 4: C022 Excerpt The link: https://www.texasstudentdatasystem.org/TSDS/TEDS/1718 A/PEIMS_Data_Standards/ Section 4: C022 Excerpt October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
The C022 Table—What it does . . . Service ID—Code Table C022 What it does: Identifies the services that staff members are responsible for providing Shows TEA-approved services CTE Service ID numbers correlate to Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapters and Subchapters: 13000400 = TAC 130.4 Small Animal Management (.5 credit) 13001000 = TAC 130.10 Mathematical Applications in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (1 credit) October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
Presented by Education Service Center Region 11 The C022 Table—CTE TEKS All CTE Courses have course TEKS and can be found here: https://tea.texas.gov/Academics/College,_Career,_an d_Military_Prep/Career_and_Technical_Education/CTE_ Texas_Essential_Knowledge_and_Skills_for_2017-2018 CTE PEIMS Service ID’s begin with: 127 – Middle School and Career Preparation (HS) 130 – High School -- N127 and N130 – Innovative Courses Q: Can 130 courses be taught at Middle School Level? A: Yes. However, CTE funding is only available for courses taught at the high school level. October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
The Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH) Purpose: To provide guidelines and procedures that are established by the Commissioner of Education and the Texas Education Code to: Maintain records Make reports on student attendance and student participation in special programs Published annually Where to find it: The path: www.tea.texas.gov > Finance & Grants > Financial Compliance > Student Attendance Accounting Handbook The link: http://tea.texas.gov/Finance_and_Grants/Financial_Co mpliance/Student__Attendance_Accounting_Handboo k/ October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
The Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH) Career and Technical Education is found in Chapter 5, starting on page 157 of the 2017- 2018 manual Important parts: It’s all important!!! Section 5.5: CTE Contact Hour Codes (based on the average minutes of the course per day) V1 = 45 - 89 minutes V2 = 90 – 149 minutes V3 = 150 – 180+ minutes Important: Make sure your courses are coded with the correct V-code!!! It affects funding!!! October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
The Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH) Other important topics: Self-Paced Courses: Section 5.2.3 and 12.5 Distance Learning/CTE: Section 5.2.3 and 12.4 Homebound: Section 5.2.4 DAEP & Contact Hours: Section 5.4 Career Prep/Practicum: Section 5.7 CTED Courses: Section 5.9 Dual Credit Courses: Section 5.10.3 October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
The Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH) Those pesky V-codes. Again . . . . CTE Courses are assigned V-codes based on the number of minutes the course meets per day AND CTE students who are enrolled in CTE courses that are approved for state weighted funding area coded in the attendance accounting system (on the PEIMS 410 record) with V-codes October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
The Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH) PEIMS 410 Record V-codes: Section 5.6 of the SAAH—Computing Contact Hours This relates to CTE funding!!! The V-Codes: CTE Code Contact-Hour Multiplier: V1 1.00 V2 2.00 V1 = 1.00 V2 = 2.00 V3 = 3.00 V4 = 4.00 V5 = 5.00 V6 = 6.00 October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
The Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH) PEIMS 410 Record V-codes: How it works . . . . Example: Will Berdapigg is enrolled in one CTE course that meets for an average of 45 minutes per day. What is the V- code for this course? Will Berdapigg is also enrolled in another CTE course that meets for an average of 90 minutes per day. What is the V-code for this course? How many contact hour V-codes does Will account for? What is the maximum number of contact hours that a student can account for? October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
The Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH) PEIMS 410 Record V-codes: Show me the money! Summary of Finances link: https://tea4avfawcett.tea.state.tx.us/Fsp/Repor ts/ReportSelection.aspx See Excel Workbook: Estimating CTE FTEs October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
The Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH) PEIMS 410 Record V-codes: Want more information? CTE Foundation School Allotment: http://tea.texas.gov/Finance_and_Grants/State_Fundin g/Additional_Finance_Resources/Career__and_Technol ogy_Education_Allotment/ October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
CTE Service ID’s and V-Codes Things to do: MAKE TIME IN YOUR CALENDAR!!! Check. Double Check. Then get someone else to check. Make sure your Master Schedule shows accurate PEIMS Service ID’s for ALL classes. (Example: Principles of Technology and Principles of Information Technology are VERY different courses!) Make sure contact hours are turned on for CTE courses! Make sure all of your CTE courses are being picked up by your SIS and your submission files. Verify “Course Units” against the C022. Verify! Verify! And when you’re done verifying . . . Verify some more!!! Special Note: A student is not eligible to receive any CTE contact hours for participating for 1 hour in a 2-hour course or for 1 or 2 hours in a 3-hour course. October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
CTE PEIMS Coding: Student Intent Codes The PEIMS Coding Decision Charts Where to find them: The Page: 2017-2018 TEDS-PEIMS Data Submission Requirements by Category The Link: http://castro.tea.state.tx.us/tsds/teds/2018A/ds8/teds- peims-ds8.2.4.pdf Go to: Section 8.2.4: Student Category Go to: page 61 in the manual/page 66 in the PDF October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
CTE PEIMS Coding: Student Intent Codes Lets look at the charts . . . . October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
How to determine the correct PEIMS code for a student . . . . The basics: 0 = not enrolled in a CTE course on Fall Snapshot 1 = a “guest” 2 = a student involved in a coherent sequence of 2 or more CTE courses for 3 or more credits October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
How to determine the correct PEIMS code for a student . . . . Important considerations . . . Students who aren’t enrolled in CTE on Snapshot Date Question: Can a student be coded as a 2 and not be enrolled in a CTE Course on Snapshot Date? Answer: Yes! It is possible for a student to have an intent to complete a coherent sequence of CTE courses, yet not be enrolled in CTE on Snapshot Date Can this student really be a 2? Question: Can a true 9th grader be coded as a CTE 2? Answer: Yes! According to the Fall Decision Chart, if the student’s 4-year plan shows an intent to complete a coherent sequence of CTE courses, and the student is enrolled in a CTE course on Snapshot Date, that student can be coded as a CTE 2 Also, the student may have completed a CTE course for high school credit while in middle/junior high October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
Presented by Education Service Center Region 11 PEIMS Reports The Crosswalk—see PDF The Reports: CTE by . . . PDM1-122-001 . . . Sex & Ethnicity & Courses PDM1-122-002 . . . Courses PDM1-122-003 . . . CTE Indicator Code & Grade PDM1-122-004 . . . Roster by CTE Code & Grade Samples . . . . October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
Presented by Education Service Center Region 11 PEIMS Reports What they mean . . . PDM1-122-001 . . . Sex & Ethnicity & Courses Shows the number of students by sex & ethnicity enrolled in each CTE course PDM1-122-002 . . . Courses Shows the number of students enrolled in each CTE cluster. Note: this is a duplicated count! PDM1-122-003 . . . CTE Indicator Code & Grade Shows the number of 1’s & 2’s by grade level PDM1-122-004 . . . Roster by CTE Code & Grade Shows individual students enrolled in a CTE course(s) on Snapshot Date, sorted by CTE indicator code. October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
CTE PEIMS Coding: Data Quality Assurance TSDS Data Quality Validations test the content of the reported data for accuracy by comparing CTE data against other PEIMS information The Data Validations are performed through PEIMS Validation Rules October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
CTE PEIMS Coding: Data Validation Rules—Fall Submission Rule # 40110-0085—A student enrolled in a CTE course must be reported with CTE program and course data Rule # 40110-0088—A student reported in the CTE program must be in grade level “06” – “12” Rule # 40110-0089—If there are students in grade levels “06” – “12,” then generally at least one student should be in the CTE program Rule # 40110-0090—There should be at least one CTE student that is a participant in a coherent sequence of courses October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
CTE PEIMS Coding: Data Validation Rules—Fall Submission Rule # 40110-0086—A CTE student that is a participant in a coherent sequence of courses should be reported with CTE program and course data Rule # 40110-0087—A student in grades 6, 7, or 8 must not be reported as participating in the CTE coherent sequence of courses Rule #40170-0004—If the service ID reported for a CTE student is a middle school CTE course, then the student must be in grade “06” – “08” October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
CTE PEIMS Coding: Data Validation TEA’s Division of Program Monitoring and Interventions (PMI) . . . . . . implements the Data Validation Monitoring (DVM) System . . . . . . to ensure the accuracy of data that is submitted by districts . . . . . . through the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) . . . . . . and used in the state’s accountability rating and performance-based monitoring (PBM) systems. October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
CTE PEIMS Coding: What’s New? What’s New? Beginning in 1718, Licenses/Certifications earned by previous years graduates will be reported October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
Presented by Education Service Center Region 11 What’s on your mind? Questions & Answers October, 2016 Presented by Education Service Center Region 11
Steve Neal Educational Specialist for CTE Education Service Center Region 11 817.740.7754 sneal@esc11.net