Jodie Yapp, Moses Chan, Alan Sacco April 2014 Orientation to OTDNET
Program Orientation to OTDNET & Learning plans Webinar demonstration Morning tea OTDNET website Orientation to the exams Commencement assessment Lunch OSCE role plays Afternoon Tea Communication skills Evaluation
Valley to Coast Staff Medical educators Dr Jodie Yapp Dr Moses Chan Dr Alan Sacco Dr Stuart Glastonbury Program Manager Michael Geoghegan (Mon-Fri) Education Support Assistant Emily Exon (Mon-Wed)
Ice breaker
OTDNET Overview 18 month program First 12 months Individualised learning plan Learning needs assessment Interactive web-based tutorials Directed self-learning Teaching visits Communication skills
OTDNET Overview Last 6 months Thorough out Study groups Mock written and OSCE exam Communication skills workshop Thorough out AKT and KFP style quizzes ME education support
RACGP curriculum
Individualised learning plans What do I need to learn? How am I going to learn it? Goal achieved? (YES/NO) What action do I need to take? Blank learning plan and examples/guide to complete on your ELF
Review and record of achievement Example 1 (electronic) What do I need to Learn? (Specific Goals) How am I going to learn it? (Steps to Achieve it) Review and record of achievement 1) Know how to diagnose anxiety in general practice. Know what medications and types of psychology to use for anxiety. Read DSM IV-TR chapter on anxiety Look at therapeutic guidelines chapter on medication Read April 2010 Check article on anxiety Discussion with colleague at practice who has special interest in mental health problems Call local psychologist who I have sent people to 2) When to start antihypertensive medication and which one to use first in which patients? Learn Heart Foundation hypertension guidelines Read therapeutic guidelines chapter on hypertension Audit 20 patient files to review my prescribing habits 3) What are the causes of acute rashes in children? Which ones are serious? Read Murtagh chapter on acute skin eruptions Look at Dermnet website Look at dermatology atlas Etc.
Example 2 (paper)
Learning needs assessment Today Commencement assessment OSCE-style role plays Later Teaching visit CARE survey Ongoing Self-report
Commencement assessment Today!! (Before lunch) 45 MCQ questions 75 minutes Content consistent with RACGP exam Turning point Immediate and subsequent feedback Use the results for your learning plan
OSCE style role-plays Today!! (After lunch) Split into four groups 1 case each 3 min reading time 8 min role play debrief & discussion
Clinical teaching visit Observation of a clinical session by an ME Clinical content, consulting process and communication Really well-received by GP registrars Non-threatening Feedback
Communication skills survey CARE (Consultation And Relational Empathy) 40-50 patients anonymously complete a survey based on their interaction with you Feedback can be used to help improve consultation skills Use the results for your learning plan
Self-report Where are your strengths and weaknesses Some things to consider Current practice Patients demographics Range of diseases encountered Previous experience General practice Hospital and outpatient clinics Australia/overseas
ME education support 6 monthly meeting/contact with ME Training advice Review individualised learning plan Available via email/phone through Emily at other times Not clinical supervisor
Webinars Facilitated by ME 12 month systems based program 2nd & 4th Wed/Thurs of every month* 90 mins duration 0830am – 1000am Please arrange to have time blocked off from patient appointments
Webinars Participant