Annual Meeting September 14, 2018 Cohort 2 Site Presentations (Reminder: each cohort 2 site will have 10 min to present slides, 10 min for the role play, and 5 – 10 minutes for Q & A / discussion) Annual Meeting September 14, 2018
Partnership Introductions Please include your Clinic Name, Description, Location, Team Members CBO Name, Description, Location, and Team Members
Vision Statement Paste your vision statement here
Innovation Please include a description of your enhancement to collaborative care
Workflow Please include a high level description of your workflow Describe how a patient would experience your workflow Include key parts of workflow that have been/are expected to be the most challenging Include ideas on how to overcome challenges
Sustainability/Scalability Please include a high level description of your plan for sustainability and possible scalability Goals/plans at the end of the three-year grant period to continue the intervention when the grant funding has concluded Possible plans for scaling up to other clinic sites
Role Play Share a role play of how a patient will experience your workflow Someone from the UW/UCD team will be your patient
Questions and Answers