Regulatory and Industry Initiatives in Support of Air Cargo Kester Meijer Director Operational Integrity, Compliance & Safety – KLM CARGO
A dynamic and high value sector 2-3% SPL Weight Worldwide European cargo hub #3 30-40% Value Worldwide 90 European stations 70 intercontinental connections 1K 635Kton trucks per week, to/from SPL per year 1 billion € per year
Air Cargo, a growing but very volatile market Globasl sourcing and global consumption Europe and USA remain high capitalized markets FRAGILE Growing trade in Pharmaceuticals Growth in E-retail, stimulates demand for express and ‘time definite’ Positive elements HOLD THIS WAY UP Growth consumption in emerging markets Modal Shift to maritime and rail Changing production patterns: more local for local, miniaturisation, 3D-printing Most growth outside of Europa Low rate of interest Negative elements Increasing protectionism Challenging Factors Positive Drivers HOLD THIS WAY UP Trade barriers increasing Growing consumer demands in emerging markets Economic growth is vulnerable and not stable FRAGILE Europe and USA remaining important markets FRAGILE Low interest rates Growing trade growth by global sourcing and global consumption Main growth is Outside Europe Modal Shift to sea Growth of E-retail, driving express and time definite product Growing trade in pharmaceuticals Changes in production: more local for local, miniaturization, 3D-printing
Interconnected parties, locations, procedures and information exchanges Logistics Value Chain Pre-carriage/ Collection Warehouse & VAS Shipping Document Transport Mainleg Warehouse & VAS On-Carriage Delivery Goods Receipt Order Billing AIRPORT CITIES REGULATED AGENT KNOWN CONSIGNOR How can air cargo benefit from the development of airport cities, Aerotropolis, Megatropolis and airport community systems? What is the implementation status of Regulated Agent and Known Consignor programmes in Africa? HOW ? WILDLIFE TRAFFICKING How can regulators and operators address wildlife trafficking issues? INNOVATION What kind of innovation and technology can enhance air cargo connectivity and accessibility? The air cargo supply chain is a combined set of interconnected parties, locations, procedures and information exchanges enabling cargo to move from origin to destination by air.
Onze experience? Learning by doing ….
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