Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired Education Services for Children 0- 5 Caren Phipps, Director of Services for Children and Youth Tracy DeLuca, Education Coordinator
Education Services The DBVI Education Services program provides services to over 2,312 children birth to 22 who are blind, vision impaired or deaf-blind. Of this number, 339 children are age birth through 5. Services assist children to participate and progress in educational, developmental, and recreational activities. DBVI has Education Coordinators who cover each of the 6 regional offices: Fairfax (Lisa Auwarter and Ketema Zeregaw), Staunton (Lisa Auwarter), Richmond (Tracy DeLuca), Norfolk (Denise Walker), Roanoke (Jill Tomlinson), and Bristol (Richard “Whitey” Fanis)
Role of Education Coordinators Education Coordinators assess the level of visual functioning in infants and children by completing a Functional Vision Assessment. This assessment can be done in the home or other environments and it provides information that can be used by the family in working with the infant/child at home and in planning for services, to include collaborating with Early Intervention providers and other professionals like Occupational Therapists and Physical Therapists.
What is a Functional Vision Assessment??? It is an assessment of how a child uses the vision he or she has in everyday situations Looks at near, intermediate, distance, and peripheral vision Informal and Formal testing Abilities and conditions change – Best practice is to repeat the assessment periodically Items that can be used for a Functional Vision Assessment
Role of Education Coordinators Continued Completing Learning Media Assessments to help identify and understand how the child will learn most efficiently. Providing information for programing which enhances sensory stimulation, concept development, gross/fine motor development, self-help skills, cognitive development, and adaptive communication skills. Facilitating the provision of alternative format books and materials to infants and children.
Early Intervention Services – Birth to Age Three Collaborate with “Infant and Toddler Connection of Virginia” Early Intervention Coordinating Councils. Provide information and resources to parents, guardians, care providers and early intervention staff of infants and toddlers who have visual impairments. , the agency's education coordinators offer support and technical assistance to infants, their families, and infant development program staff. Specifically, the education services program can offer: information about independent living skills, communication skills, orientation and mobility, and visual development as they relate to infants with visual disabilities. suggestions and guidance for parenting a child who is blind or visual impaired
Role of Education Coordinators Continued Initiate the Education Services intake process, determine eligibility, and maintain required documentation. Function as a resource to Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVIs). Attend IFSP, Eligibility, IEP, and related meetings. Work proactively with local, regional, and state resources to resolve problems and remove barriers to ensure an appropriate education.
Benefits to children with visual impairments Collaborate with Early Intervention Programs (0-3) to assess vision loss and recommend interventions and accommodations. Support developmental and educational progress. Help parents/guardians access community resources and navigate the educational system.
How Do I Refer a Child for Educational Services? Call the agency's toll free telephone number (1-800- 622-2155) Contact the DBVI Intake Specialists: Richmond Regional Office (804-371-3730) Roanoke Regional Office (540- 561-7475) Norfolk Regional Office (757-466-4162) Fairfax Regional Office (571-386-3849) Bristol Regional Office (276- 642-7300) Staunton Regional Office (540-332-7729)
Contact Information Caren Phipps Director of Services for Children and Youth Office 804-625-3972 Tracy DeLuca Education Coordinator DBVI-Richmond Regional Office Office 804-371-3102