Neighborhood Watch Citizens banding together to help local law enforcement in identifying and then reporting suspicious activities in their neighborhood. This is not a vigilante effort, rather a combined vigilance over the neighborhood.
Organization Every watch needs a captain to keep the watch organized by keeping track of new members, maintain an e-mail system to get information out from local law enforcement, and/or be watch liason for law enforcement.
Home Security Keep all doors and windows locked Do not keep your spare key in the traditional places (welcome mat, flower pot, above door) Keep shrubs and trees around windows trimmed Keep an outside light on, motion lights Don’t forget to close garage door at night Keep interior garage doors locked If windows kept open in summer, make sure hinge pins work Reinforce sliding glass doors at base Keep drapes or blinds closed If garage door opener in car, keep car locked Keep sheds closed and locked Alarm Systems
Home Invasions/ Robbery Do not open the door to strangers even in daytime If a stranger asks to use phone offer to make the call for him or call police to assist him Ask to see credentials of all servicemen and then call service company to confirm Be aware of scams from solicitors (gypsies) who try to get in your house
Home Security (cars) When at all possible keep cars in garage and/or off the street. Do not keep items such as laptops, GPS devices, cell phones or purses in vehicle or visible in vehicle. Keep cars locked or unlocked, but with nothing in them. Do not keep credit cards, checkbooks or license in cars
Vacation Stop deliveries (newspaper) Notify neighbors Contact police (vacation check list) Lights and TV’s on timers All blinds and windows closed/ locked Front and backyard lights kept on Have neighbor pick up mail
If You Are Burglarized Do not enter home, but call police to clear house. Walking through your house may ruin valuable evidence/ clues If you have to enter home limit your movement to certain areas Do not touch anything Keep serial numbers on all expensive items so they may be provided to police
Trust Your Instincts If something or someone does not seem right or seems out of place contact police. Give us the opportunity to decide if all is right. You may just prevent a crime before it happens.