Intermediary outcomes Long-term outcomes Ultimate Goal Activities - Policy Assumptions Intermediary outcomes Long-term outcomes Ultimate Goal Impact measurement Recognition of the impact of and need for advocacy by other military charities Political commitment to veterans Evidence of the impact of advocacy Case Studies Evidence of unmet need Publicity and promotion Recognition of the impact of and need for advocacy by Government Lobbying Public commitment to veterans mAs service recommissioned and extended That veterans have a statutory right to advocacy SRoI measurements Awareness of the specific needs of veterans seAp capacity Networking, locally and nationally Funding for military advocacy available nationally Grant applications for service Funding for research Evidence of Social Return on Investment Public recognition of the role of advocacy
Activities - Health & Wellbeing Assumptions Intermediary outcomes Long-term outcomes Ultimate Goal Veterans mental health support needs are recognised and met Maintain knowledge of rights to health & social care Services are available Access to primary and secondary care services Services are willing to understand needs Recognition of the specific needs of veterans Maintain knowledge of local services Other organisations acknowledge the service and make appropriate referrals Veterans physical health is optimised That veterans are able to live the healthiest and happiest life possible. Understanding the needs and preferences of clients Access to activities to support wellbeing Local authority is signed up and respects the Covenant Veterans supported to meet their full potential Access to social care services Advocacy Tools/strategies to manage wellbeing and stress. Families benefit from the improved health of the veteran or other family member Military Veterans and their families/carer are able to easily access the seAp service Measure improved family life
Activities - Finance & Housing Assumptions Intermediary outcomes Long-term outcomes Ultimate Goal Develop the number of partnerships with key stakeholders – challenge the culture of ‘holding on’ to clients Increased understanding by clients and stakeholders of the person centred approach Military Veterans and their families/carer are able to easily access the seAp service Staff question and challenge Promotional activities, referrals of the service, targeting audiences Increased access to housing which is suitable for individual’s needs There is housing available Veterans have the ability to become self-sustaining with reduced or no support Veterans are not disadvantaged in terms of equality of access to housing and finance to achieve a decent standard of living Staff training sessions to increase level, quality and communication of needs – options process Increased uptake of financial and housing benefits Veterans have increased standard of living and are able to support themselves All veterans have the ability to access appropriate accommodation Ensure MoU or informal links with services eg Council Local authority is signed up and respects the Covenant All veterans have the opportunity to integrate into civilian life. Increased levels of facilitation and referral to other service and support providers Staff training to increase referrals to Care Act Assessments seAp has pure advocacy its heart against pure advocacy principles Access to training and employment opportunities Staff up up-to-date on benefits and the appeals/tribunals process to be able to guide clients. Reduction in stress and ability to maintain physical health Measure improved family life