In the name of God
Hydrops Fetalis
Hydrops = Generalized subcutaneous edema in the fetus or neonate
Definition : Excess serous fluid in at least one space (ascites, pleural effusion, or pericardial effusion) + skin edema (> 5 mm thick) Excess fluid in two spaces without edema
Hydrops Fetalis Immune Hydrops Fetalis (10%) Non Immune Hydrops Fetalis (90%)
Pathogenesis Anemia Cardiac failure Fetal Hypoxemia
Pathogenesis (cont). Extra vascular protein leakage → increased capillary permeability → hypoalbuminemia → Accumulation of fluid in body cavities Placental perfusion abnormalities
Etiology Hematologic: Due to anemia (10% of cases) : Isoimmune hemolytic disease (RH incompatibility). Hemozygous alphathalassemia Hemozygous G6PD d, Feto maternal hemorrhage - twin - to twin transfusion Bone marrow failure - bone marrow replacement - leukemia
In RH incompatibility : Fetus is RH + / mother is RH – Maternal exposure to foreign antigens → IgG antibodies fetal antigens → destruction of fetal RBCs → Hemolysis hydrops fetal anemia → reticulocytosis (Hb<7 g/dL) → erythroblastosis. Against In severe form In moderate form In severe form
Cardiovascular: Due to heart failure (20% cases) Rhythm disturbances Major cardiac disease
Renal (5% of cases) Nephrosis, RVT, urinary obstruction
Infection (8% of cases) TORCH-Syphilis-Congenital Hepatitis, Parvovirus….
Pulmonary (5% of cases) Chylothorax, diaphragmatic hernia , intrathoracic mass
Placental or cord (rare)
Maternal conditions (5% of cases) : Toxemia, diabetes, thyrotoxicosis
Gastrointestinal (5% of cases) : Meconium peritonitis …..
Chromosomal (5% of cases) : Turner syndrome, trisomy 13,18,21
Miscellaneous (10% of cases) : Cystic hygroma, wilms’ tumor – teratoma - Neuroblastom
Unknown (20% of cases) :
Signs of hydrops : Pericardial & pleural effusions Ascites Skin edema Hepatosplenomegaly Polyhydramnios Placental thickening
Diagnosis : Pregnant woman with : Polyhydramnios, severe anemia, toxemia, isoimmune disease → ultrasonic examination → Fluid accumulation in the fetus or placenta of circulating maternal antibody → NIHF In the absence
Post natal Evaluation