Hepatitis B virus–associated aplastic anemia followed by myelodysplastic syndrome  Yasushi Adachi, MD, PhD, Hiroshi Yasui, MD, Hiroo Yuasa, MD, Yoshifumi.


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Presentation transcript:

Hepatitis B virus–associated aplastic anemia followed by myelodysplastic syndrome  Yasushi Adachi, MD, PhD, Hiroshi Yasui, MD, Hiroo Yuasa, MD, Yoshifumi Ishi, MD, PhD, Kohzoh Imai, MD, PhD, Yasuo Kato, MD, PhD  The American Journal of Medicine  Volume 112, Issue 4, Pages 330-332 (March 2002) DOI: 10.1016/S0002-9343(01)01101-9

Figure 1 A bone marrow biopsy specimen showing hypoplastic marrow in the patient at first admission. The patient received a subsequent diagnosis of aplastic anemia. The American Journal of Medicine 2002 112, 330-332DOI: (10.1016/S0002-9343(01)01101-9)

Figure 2 Autopsy revealing the patient’s bone marrow to be hyperplastic and with some abnormalities. The patient was determined to have refractory anemia. The American Journal of Medicine 2002 112, 330-332DOI: (10.1016/S0002-9343(01)01101-9)